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We talked about the singing/rapping competition. We decided on meeting up around 7 or 8 pm, and going to the place together.

When school finished for the week, Keith walked me to my dorm after saying our goodbyes to the others.

I packed all my clothes into my suitcase, getting ready to go home. When i got everything, i went out to him, and we started heading towards my parents house to drop of all my things there.

- So, where are you going to take me, and what are we going to eat? - i asked looking at him for a second.

- Anything you want if it's in my budget, and i'll take you to (F/F/F/R)(favourit fast food restaurant). - he said, putting his hands in his pockets.

- Thanks Keith, you're the best. - i said smiling widely, throwing my arm around his shoulders, bringing him into a side hug.

- I know. - he puffed out his chest proudly, closing his eyes for a couple of seconds with a grin.

- Of course you do. - i said rolling my eyes at his confidence. I wish i could be that confident.

- By the way, are your parents going to let you go tonight? - he suddenly asked the question that i don't really have an answer to.

- I don't know. - i said looking down.
- But i got to go. I have to be there to support you as always. - i said, determend.
- I'm just gonna lie that i'll be sleeping over somewhere for the weekend. Or at least for this night. - i said, thinking about how should i bring up this idea to them.

- You should tell them you're be at my place.

- I don't know if they would find it a good idea. - i let out a laugh. I know they probably wouldn't like the idea.

- Why? They always let you have a sleepover with me. - he looked at me in disbelief.

He knows my parents don't know when i sleep at his place, he just don't seem to get why.

- When we were WAY younger. - i said running my fingers through my hair.
- Are you this slow? They would think that we're going to do the dirty. - i started laughing at him when i saw his embarrassed expession.

- WHAT?!?! - he yelled, jumping up with a bright red face.
- Why would they think that? - he asked burying his face into his hands.

- I don't know. Why don't you ask them? - i asked, flicking his vibrant red ear.

- Are you crazy? - he snapped his head at me, hitting my hand away.

- You don't have the balls? - i kept on teasing him.

- I have balls thank you very much. - he said grinning like an idiot.

- You know i didn't mean it like that.

We were continuing this back and forth, until we arrived to my parents house.

Keith said he will wait for my outside. Probably still too embarrassed to face them.

I pulled out my key, went in, greeted my parents, and dropped all my things of in my room.

- Can i stay at (F/N)(friend name)? - i asked leaning on the wall.

- Why? You just got home. - said my mom, not even looking at me.

- Because we couldn't spend enough time with each other.

- You don't spend time with us either. You're not going to sleep anywhere else but your room. - my dad said looking right at me.

- Okay. - i said, thinking of other ideas already.
- I'm going to go out with Keith to eat something. I'll be back, bye. - when i heard their byes i went back out to Keith who's patiently being waiting for me.
- Let's go.


Hello, my precious readers!
I know this is super random and shit, but i've read a lot, and i mean a LOT of fanfics lately. Even more then i already have, and i've beig thinking "Am i the only one who doesn't like it when relationships develop too quickly?". Like honestly, it's just not realistic to me. It's the same shit every time "The girl falls in love, and the guy is in love with her too, but the girl doesn't know it, but then the guy kisses her and OOOOOMMMMMGGGGGGG SKSKSKSKSKS!!!"
And i've read a lot of fictions with yanderes, murderes and shit, and it makes me annoyed when the protagonist is just like "Oh, you kill people? That's fine, let me join you:D". Like bro, you good? I would fight for my life. The FIGHT or FLIGHT response would kick in immediately if i would find out that someone that i know is a killer.

These just make me want to go to sleep, and never wake up ever again even more.

I don't want to drag anyone, because i know that writing is hard, and everyone have to start somewhere, but it's just look like to me that people don't have creativity.

And my school is opening up again.. after 6 months.. for 1 god damn month. I only gone out of my house about 1 or 2 times in this 6 months, so it's really going to take a tool on me. I just know it already. Someone shoot me. I'm even going to hold still so they can't miss.

I know this whole rant was random, but i had to get it out of my system and i'm really sorry if i offended anybody

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I know this whole rant was random, but i had to get it out of my system and i'm really sorry if i offended anybody.
I'll see you guys in the next chapter.

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