~Chapter 2~

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"I can't believe you got us lost!" Dream shouted frustratedly.

"What?!" Bad gasped. "How is this my fault?!"

Dream threw his hands in the air, glaring at Bad. "You were the one who wanted to go pick those stupid blueberries! If it weren't for you, we would be halfway home by now!"

Bad hugged his basket to his chest, looking down at the ground. "I just wanted to make more muffins later..." He mumbled.

"Yeah, well look where that got us!" Dream growled.

"Well maybe if you hadn't forgotten which way we came from, we could go back to the path," Bad said lowly, returning Dream's glare.

"What?! Don't try to turn the blame on me! I literally looked away for two seconds-" Dream held up two fingers, "TWO SECONDS - and you disappeared! You should be happy I was able to find you at all!"

"I'm starting to wish you hadn't!" Bad snapped.

Dream sighed, frustratedly running a hand through his hair. A tense silence fell between them.

Finally Bad spoke. "I don't actually mean that... I'm sorry, Dream... I really didn't mean to get lost..."

"It's okay, Bad. I know you didn't. But next time, tell me before you run off somewhere, okay?" Dream said.

Bad nodded.

"Okay." Dream looked around. "It's starting to get dark out. The sky looks brighter from that direction," he pointed at the sky through the trees, "so that's probably west. We were heading north... east-ish, I think." He turned to the northeast. "So let's just go this way for a while, and maybe we'll find the path again. If not, then at least we're heading in the right direction." He began walking, and Bad followed behind.

They walked and walked until the sky turned dark and fireflies came out.

"Dream," Bad spoke, "I don't think we're going the right way..." He looked around nervously, searching for any sign of the path or his house. There were only trees, trees, and more trees. "Nothing looks familiar."

"No, I'm sure we're going the right way," Dream said confidently. "See that tree over there? Doesn't it look familiar?" He walked over to a tall tree and placed his hand on it. "Wait a minute... We've been here before..." He facepalmed. "We're going in circles!!"

"We're never going to get home!" Bad cried, falling to his knees. He sat down on the forest floor, burying his face in his hands.

"No, Bad, it'll be okay," Dream said. "We just have to..." he searched for an idea, "go in a different direction." He held his hand out to Bad. "Come on, we have to keep going."

Bad accepted Dream's hand and stood back up. He wearily followed as his friend led him in a different direction.

They walked on, and after some time, the moon could be seen clearly in the sky above them. They were both tired and hungry, so they decided to rest for a bit to munch on some of the blueberries that Bad had found earlier.

Bad lifted the lid of his basket and was shocked. "They're all gone!" He exclaimed.

"What? How?" Dream asked, peeking into the basket.

Alas, but it was true. The berries had disappeared, and only a small handful was left at the bottom of the basket.

Bad examined the basket more closely. "There's a hole! They must have all fallen out." He groaned.

Dream grabbed the few berries that remained. There were barely even enough to snack on. "Here," he held them out to Bad. "You eat them. There aren't enough to do me any good."

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