~Chapter 14~

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"Skeppy?" Bad's voice broke as he embraced the diamond boy. "Oh my goodness, Skeppy?! Geppy, please talk to me..."

It was officially midnight, and Skeppy had turned completely into diamond. Bad's heart shattered as he looked down at him, and he let out a pained cry as he desperately clung to his friend.

"No... Skeppy!" He sobbed, ignoring the confused chatter of the people around him. He didn't care about the party, he just wanted to have his friend back. He sniffled, tears running down his face.


Skeppy slowly blinked his eyes open, confused. He heard Bad crying and looked up, tenderly brushing his hand against the brunet's cheek. "No, Bad, don't cry..."

"G-Geppy?" Bad wiped his eyes and looked down at the diamond boy, certain he was imagining things. But no, Skeppy had indeed spoken, and was standing there, watching Bad with concern.

"Please don't cry because of me," Skeppy said.

"I don't understand... Are you- are you alive? Or am I just dreaming?" Bad asked, taking ahold of one of Skeppy's hands.

Skeppy looked down at his hand, seeing the way it shimmered in the moonlight. It was clearly diamond, and yet, he could move it just as if it were normal. "I don't know," he said finally.

"Skeppy!" A new voice rang out over the crowd, and Spifey pushed through to them. His eyes widened as he looked at Skeppy. "Well, I didn't expect this... I guess, in a way, the curse is broken... At least you're not a statue?" He smiled uncertainly, as clueless as anyone else as to why Skeppy's skin hadn't been returned to its natural state.

"Can you fix it," Skeppy asked. "I want my normal skin back, please."

"I don't think I can do anything about this... I'm sorry, but even just giving you normal skin for this party was pushing my limits. My magic can't turn you back to normal. Like I said, it's not powerful enough." Spifey offered a apologetic look to the diamond boy. As much as he wished he could help, there was just nothing he could do.

Skeppy's face fell into an expression of confusion and disappointment. Was he really going to be stuck this way for the rest of his life?

"Hey, I know you're upset, but why don't we just go back to the mansion for tonight and see what we can do about it tomorrow? It's getting pretty late, and I'm sure you're tired after everything that's happened tonight," Spifey said. He placed a supportive hand on Skeppy's back, gently guiding him back towards the carriage, which had reappeared at the edge of the square.

"Wait, Skeppy!" Bad called out from behind them, and Skeppy paused to look back at him. "Can I go with you? I don't want to be stuck at this party, and besides, I want to get my basket."

Skeppy smiled; Bad would really do anything for that basket. "Yes, Bad, you can come."

Bad jogged over to him, and they walked to the carriage together.

"Is this how you got here," Bad asked as he climbed into the carriage.

"Yeah, I think Spifey conjured it up or something. The carriages we own at the mansion are way fancier," Skeppy said, climbing in beside Bad. He closed the door, and the carriage slowly pulled forward. He sighed as he stared up at the sky through the window. "I'm so tired... Tonight's just been so crazy..." Not to mention, he was a bit sad about his somehow-still-diamond skin, but he didn't really want to dwell on that thought too much. It was too depressing. He yawned and leaned over toward Bad, resting his head on the brunet's shoulder.

"Aw... You should get some rest, Skeppy," Bad said, rubbing Skeppy's back.

"Bad, I have a question... Why do you care so much about that basket? What's the story behind it," Skeppy asked, blinking sleepily into Bad's eyes.

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