~Chapter 20~

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Trigger Warning: Blood, mentions of death, mild violence

"Uh, Bad...? I think someone followed you..." Skeppy said.

"Huh?" Bad looked over to Skeppy, and he gasped. "Skeppy! Oh my goodness, you're awake! I was so worried about you..." He quickly went over and wrapped the diamond boy in a tight hug. Bad couldn't be happier to have his diamond friend safely in his arms, finally awake and well.

"Yeah, I'm glad to see you too, but what about the guy standing eerily in the doorway? Maybe we should address that first?" Skeppy suggested, staring over Bad's shoulder at the figure.

"Oh, that's just Wilbur," Bad said, stepping away and gesturing to the man who walked in.

Wilbur stepped forward, offering a small wave. His fluffy brown hair nearly covered one of his eyes, and he wore a faded yellow sweater, a guitar case on his back.

"Wilbur's going to help us with our, uh..." Bad chuckled, "...pig problem."

Skeppy glanced at Wilbur over Bad's shoulder, before looking back at the muffin man. "Um, how, exactly...?" To be fair, Wilbur didn't really look like the type to be able to fight off a half-pig, half-man outlaw.

"Skeppy, I- I can't focus on that right now. I didn't think I would ever be able to get you to wake up." He held Skeppy at arm's length, looking over him in concern. "What woke you up? Spifey said only true love could help." His face fell a bit, and he tilted his head. "Did you... Did you find your true love?" Bad didn't know why the idea bothered him, maybe it was because he had been so determined to save Skeppy himself, but the idea of Skeppy finding his true love while he had been gone... It was a painful thought.

"Huh? No, I just, I dunno, woke up," Skeppy said. He shrugged. "It was no different from waking up like I do every morning."

"So you didn't find your true love?" Bad asked, biting his lip and letting go of Skeppy to grip his basket nervously.

"No." Skeppy blinked, a bit confused. "Bad, you don't have to worry." He smiled gently. "I found my true love ages ago." He giggled bashfully as Bad stared in surprise.

"Wait, really? Who?" Bad asked his gaze shooting up to watch Skeppy intently.

"Well... If you really want to know, I'm-"

He was interrupted as the door burst open and Spifey rushed in. Sapnap and Quackity, who were deep into a game of cards by then, looked over, as well as Wilbur, who had begun to play soft romantic music to fit the mood.

"Is he here yet?" Spifey asked, his chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath.

Everyone looked at each other blankly for a minute.

"Who?" Bad spoke up finally.

"Techno," Spifey huffed, walking over to where Bad and Skeppy stood. "I was worried I was too late, I came to warn you that he-"

Just then, a gleaming silver dagger broke through the window, spiralling straight towards Bad. With wide, panicked eyes, Spifey pushed Bad out of the way, and the dagger landed itself deep into the fairy's chest.

"Spifey!" Skeppy exclaimed as he grabbed onto the stumbling fairy's arm, lowering him to the ground. "What the heck! Why would you do that?!"

Bad frantically glanced at the two before looking back towards the window, spotting a familiar silhouette outside. "Wilbur! We could use your help now," Bad said, his eyes landing on the boy with his guitar.

Wilbur stood from his spot on the floor, strumming out a few chords on his guitar before beginning to play a small tune. He hummed a bit as he figured out the music, then took a few steps toward the door. Some bushes outside rustled, and the silhouette moved.

Sapnap stood from the table, grabbing his sword and walking in front of Bad. "Hey! Whoever's out there! Show yourself!"

"Shh," Bad pulled Sapnap back. "Wilbur's gonna take him away with a song," he explained.

"How?" Sapnap asked.

"Just watch." Bad said, gesturing towards the two.

So they did, and as Wilbur stepped outside and his song got louder, they could see Techno outside, a sword tight in his grip. He raised it, but with a strong strum on his guitar, Wilbur made him drop the sword. Techno glared, growling slightly, but Wilbur only laughed.

"Yay! Go, Wilbur," Bad cheered.

It didn't take much longer for Wilbur to lead Techno away, and soon enough, they were out of sight.

"Where are they gonna go?" Sapnap asked, sheathing his sword as he stared into the woods after them.

Bad shrugged. "I think Wilbur said he was going to take him back to Philza's house for now."

Sapnap's brow furrowed. "Who's Philza?"

"Oh. Um, someone I met," Bad answered cheerily.

"Hey, guys? Can we help Spifey?" Skeppy asked, his voice a bit shaken as he sat at the side of his fairy godfather.

Bad turned, gasping when he saw the sight of the fairy lying pale on the floor, blood spilling from his chest and staining the floor.

"I'm fine," Spifey muttered. "There's no need to be so upset."

"You literally got a dagger thrown in your chest," Skeppy shrieked. "You're dying!"

"No, I'm not," Spifey rolled his eyes. "Fairies don't die. I'm just... Temporarily losing my physical form. It'll be good as new in a few years." He offered a weak smile.

"Just- Shut up," Skeppy mumbled, wiping the tears that spilled from his eyes. "You're so stupid."

Bad frowned and sat down next to his friend, rubbing his back. "Don't cry, Skeppy... Spifey will be okay. He can't leave you, he's your fairy godfather. Even if you won't be able to see him for a while, he'll still be with you."

"Why did you have to go and do that, you stupid... overgrown mosquito... I could've pushed Bad, the dagger wouldn't have hurt me..." Skeppy sniffled, smacking Spifey's shoulder, though there was no force behind it. "Idiot..."

"Skeppy..." Spifey chuckled, though his body was beginning to fade now, skin glowing softly. "I couldn't let you lose the only person who can fully break your curse. It's my job to do what's best for you, regardless of my own safety. I'll still visit you every so often," he laughed. "You can't get rid of me that easily. And I'll be back before you know it."

"B-but... Wait..." Skeppy looked up through his tears, tilting his head in confusion. "You mean-"

"You'll figure it out," Spifey smiled, winking. And with that, he was gone, disappearing with a poof and a cloud of sparkles.



Hi, everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

The main storyline may be coming to an end soon, but don't worry! I have side stories planned!

Also, my oneshot/draft collection book is finally out! Go take a look if you're interested :) I'll probably be posting on there pretty often.

Thank you for reading! You're all incredible, and I hope you have a wonderful day!

(P.S. For anyone who's confused, Wilbur is basically the Pied Piper in this part lol)

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