~Answers + Extras~

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Happy holidays, everyone!! :D

I hope you're all having a wonderful time!

Well, it's time to answer some questions :) You guys didn't have a lot of questions, but that's okay! I have some other things I'd like to discuss later ;)

Thank you emilychickennugget57
And Calicocat48
For your questions!

Question number 1:

To be honest, this is a tough question, I'm not very good at choosing favorites

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To be honest, this is a tough question, I'm not very good at choosing favorites. But, if I had to pick, I'd probably say... I've been listening to "Dance Alone" by Blanks a lot lately \(^-^)/

Question number 2:

For me, spending time with my friends makes me happiest

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For me, spending time with my friends makes me happiest. I always love being able to hang out and have some fun :)

This is what the characters had to say:

Skeppy: It's been really nice getting to meet new people with Bad. He's introduced me to a lot of his friends, and surprisingly, people can actually be pretty nice sometimes. I really missed out on a lot when I lived in the mansion all alone with Spifey.

Bad: My friends make me happiest! Well, when they're not dragging me around and kidnapping me and stuff... But other than that, I wouldn't trade them for the world!

Spifey: My favorite thing is when I'm able to guide one of my godchildren to their destiny. Nothing beats the nice, long vacation before I get reassigned. Honestly, try babysitting mortals for centuries, you learn to value your time off.

Technoblade: Victory. Nothin' else.

Dream: Well, of course my darling Gogy-Wogy makes me happiest! No one's better than-

George: You know what would make me pretty happy right now? Divorce.

Sapnap: Um. Am I supposed to answer this question? I'm kinda just a side character, but I guess I'd have to say going on adventures with my friends is pretty fun. Traveling in general is nice. Even alone, I like exploring new places. It's calming.

Bad: Oooh, my basket also makes me really happy! I can carry muffins in it, and-

Quackity: Yeah, yeah, yeah, you already had your turn. Now I get to answer. Entertainment. There's, like, nothing better!

Philza: I guess my kids make me pretty happy. But I also really value the silence I get when they're all in bed. I agree with Spifey, free time is pretty valuable.

Tommy: W o m e n

Wilbur, strumming his guitar peacefully:  Music, it can make anyone happy if you play the right tune.

Tubbo: Um-

******, Peeking in: Oh, am I supposed to be here for this? Sorry I was late, it took a while to get-

Karl: No, no, no, not yet, not yet! Go back, the readers haven't met you yet! You're spoiling it!

******: Oh, sorry! Uh, bye, I guess! I'm just a figment of your imagination, haha!

Bad: Oh! Muffins also make me happy! I love muffins! Do those count?

Uh, well, that's gonna wrap up the question segment. (That got a little out of hand... >.>) Anyways! It's time to talk about some other stuff!

~•~•~•~•~ Other Stuff!!! Everyone's favorite part of the chapter!!!~•~•~•~•~

First of all!

I have decided I'm going to make another book! (No, I'm not ending this one, don't worry!) I kinda just want a place to dump some of my old drafts/oneshots/ideas and thought it'd be fun to make them into a collection book. Let me know if that sounds interesting! (Yes, it will mostly contain Skephalo or Jefhalo)


I plan on getting back to uploading chapters very soon! Thank you all for being patient while I took some time off to spend with my friends and family during the holidays :) Chapters are in progress, so look forward to some upcoming content.


Happy holidays! No matter what you celebrate, or even if you don't celebrate at all, I hope you're all having an amazing time doing whatever makes you happy and being with your loved ones!

Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for supporting me and my little story! It really means a lot to me <3




This is a secret but... If you guys have interest... I made a Twitter account. I don't tweet very often, and I don't think I'll use it a lot, but who knows? If you wanna check it out, I'll be adding it to my biography on my profile.

And with that, the holiday special is over!

Thank you for reading! I hope you have a great rest of the day :)

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