~Chapter 10~

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"He's fine, as far as I can tell," the physician said, standing up and walking away from the bed where Bad sat. "If they used magic, it's too powerful for me to detect. I say you give him a few days and see how he is then."

"Alright, thank you," Dream said, paying the physician. He watched as the man left the house before turning back to George and Bad.

"He's probably still sad about that stupid basket," George said, crossing his arms. "C'mon, Bad, cheer up. Sapnap stayed behind for you, can't you be grateful?"

Bad said nothing, hugging his knees closer to his chest and burying his face in them. He had been acting this way ever since they left the mansion. He was silent all the way to the village, not responding to prompting by Dream or George. They had taken him back to Dream's house, where they had been for over an hour now, but they were still unable to get him to talk.

"Don't be too hard on him, George," Dream said, taking a seat on the edge of the bed beside Bad, rubbing the brunet's back reassuringly. "He was trapped at that mansion for several days, who knows what he's been through? He'll get better soon enough, just give it some time."

"Yeah, whatever," George muttered, rolling his eyes. He sighed and plopped down into a chair at a little wooden table. "It's not like he was hurt or anything when we found him."

Dream briefly glared at George before turning to talk to Bad. "Hey, I was thinking, now that you're back, we have a reason to celebrate. So... I thought, in a few days, we could have a big party with the entire village. Wouldn't that be fun?"

"Ooh, a party?" George asked, his interest piqued. "What kind of party?"

"A party that lasts late into the night, with lights and music and dancing." Dream stood up and swept George out of his chair, dancing around the room with the shorter boy. "We'll dance until sunrise, all in celebration of Bad's rescue."

Giggling, George pulled out of Dream's arms. "I didn't know you could dance, Dream."

"I can, but only with you," Dream said, winking.

That made George blush, causing him to turn away in embarrassment.

"If we're gonna have a party, we're gonna have to tell everyone and start getting ready," Dream said. "So, I'm gonna go out and start telling everyone, and I'm gonna pick some things up from the market while I'm out." He grabbed his light green jacket and slipped it on over his white shirt. "George, can you stay here with Bad while I'm gone? Keep an eye on him in case he needs anything, I don't want him to try sneaking off to the mansion when you're not paying attention."

George nodded, "I'll take care of him."

"Thanks, Gogy." Dream pulled George over and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. After they pulled away, he stepped over to Bad, placing a hand on the boy's shoulder. "Hang in there, Bad. I know you're probably upset right now, but try to cheer up, okay? You're safe now, and that's what matters."

Bad continued to stay silent, ignoring Dream's words. He was mad, mad that they had taken his basket, and mad that they had taken him away from Skeppy. He knew that Skeppy didn't have much time until his curse would turn him into a statue, and Bad needed to go back to help him, but how could he when George and Dream were constantly watching him to make him stay in the village? His helplessness frustrated him, and he was feeling more and more hopeless as time passed.

Dream sighed and stepped away. "Well, I'm going. I'll be back in a little bit." He said his goodbyes and left.

George sat back down in his chair at the table, resting his chin against his hand. "I wonder what Sapnap is doing right now," George said. "We kind of just left him, do you think he was able to get away?"

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