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Mother pays a lot to make me feel comfortable

Millions of Currency

Just to keep the air-conditioning units functioning

Our house is always frigid

Mother and any guests must wear coats inside

Meanwhile I must wear tank tops and shorts

I have terrible heat sensitivity

Is what the medics say

I cannot be in conditions hotter than 30 degrees Fahrenheit

Is what the medics say

Or I will have a stroke

Maybe die

I only go outside in winter

And I only open the curtains then too

Or when it is very cloudy and rainy

During Summer the house is dark

"The sun is bad for you"

Mother would say

And I hate it

Being alone with just me and Mother

In this palace of ice

She is in danger of frostbite

While sometimes I find 25 degrees a tad bit too hot

"But this price is worth it."

She says

"Because you have a gift."

She says

But I have never figured out what that gift is

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