『 school 』

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『 school 』
school // hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry
house // gryffindor. the sorting hat would have put me in ravenclaw but i seriously wanted to be in gryffindor.
year // third year
favourite subject // defence against the dark arts
affiliations // dumbledore's army (fifth year)

『 classes 』
core subjects // transfiguration, charms, potions, defence against the dark arts, history of magic, herbology, astronomy, flying
o.w.l. subjects // care of magical creatures, muggle studies and divination
n.e.w.t. subjects // defence against the dark arts, transfiguration, charms, potions, astronomy
grades // I get very good grades without having to study very hard.
homework // homework is mostly very fun and I usually get it done on time to a high standard.

『 events 』
quidditch // I get to watch every match at school. gryffindor wins every year.
easter // there is an easter egg hunt at hogwarts every year and I am very good at finding eggs and I my team has the potential to win every year. [credit to another wattpader for this idea]
yule ball // happens in fourth year on 25th december.

『 places 』
 // I share a dormitory with hermione, parvarti patil, lavender brown and someone else. the boys' dormitory is harry, ron, neville longbottom, seamus finnigan and dean thomas. I always know the passwords to all of the dormitories.
kitchens // the food is delicious. we sometimes visit the kitchens to see dobby.
room of requirement // can always find it when needed. seventh floor, left corridor.
bathrooms // I am not a prefect and neither is harry but we have access to the prefects' bathroom because our prefect friends tell us the passwords. moaning myrtle haunts the second floor bathroom so no one goes there.
hogsmeade // there are hogsmeade visits every other weekend. we all have permission to go.

»I know hogwarts very well, and always know where to go without getting lost as I know where everything is.
» I know everything that i need to know, because I have lived there my entire life and have attended Hogwarts since first year.

『 hobbies 』
» in my free time at hogwarts, I like to play pranks and mess around with fred and george.  
» the gryffindor common room is very nice and cosy. it is a good place to relax.
» i play games with friends like cards and wizard chess.

『 timetable 』
 // 07:30-08:00
period 1 // 09:00-10:00
period 2 // 10:00-11:00
break // 11:00-11:15
period 3 // 11:15-12:15
period 4 // 12:15-13:15
lunch // 13:15-14:00
period 5 // 14:00-15:00
period 6 // 15:00-16:00
homework // 16:00-18:00
dinner // 18:00-19:00
curfew // 21:00
astronomy // 22:00-23:00 (wednesdays)

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