『 reality 』

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『 world 』
setting // harry potter world, starting 1993.
characters // all of the characters from the harry potter books are in my desired reality. they all look like they do in the movies and have the same personalities as they do in the books, unless scripted otherwise. none of my friends and family can die. my friends and family and loved ones are not judgemental. they love me.
prejudice // everyone is accepting of my sexuality and gender identity. prejudice against parselmouths, muggle-borns, werewolves and half-giants, half-breeds and other wizarding races still exist but are improving.
food // I always get good flavours from bertie bott's every flavour beans. i am able to collect every chocolate frog card.

『 shifting 』
waiting room // a cosy little shed that has a bedroom and bathroom, and a pretty, overgrown flower garden. I usually shift straight to my desired reality, not my waiting room.
time // when I am in my desired reality, 1 minute of my current reality is equal to 1 hour in my desired reality. time freezes whenever I leave my desired reality. time starts again when I re-enter. I age at the same rate as people in my desired reality. 
shifting // I will know that I have shifted when I hear birds outside. whenever I re-enter my desired reality I wake up in the morning of that day, fully rested. I cannot get stuck in my desired reality. no one ever finds out that I've shifted. nobody in my desired reality asks me questions about my backstory or question why I'm there.
original reality // I will vividly remember all of my memories from my desired reality when I return to my original reality. to return to my original reality I say 'take me home' and clap three times. I will always remember my method of returning.

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