『 relationships 』

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『 family 』
parents // sirus black and remus lupin. I have a very good relationship with my parents. they taught me about all of the secret passageways in hogwarts and everything I need to know. i know all about the wizarding world. remus is a werewolf. he is a professor at hogwarts and teaches defence against the dark arts. he is known as professor lupin at school. sirius is the last of the noble and ancient house of black (i don't count because female). he sends me frequent letters from home and gifts at christmas and on my birthday. he sometimes comes up to hogsmeade to see us.
house-elf // kreacher. we get on well with him. he is always carrying around things that belonged to my dead uncle regulus.
cousins // nymphadora tonks and draco lucius malfoy are my second cousins. i am friends with tonks but draco and I loathe each other at first, because of our families. we have the same birthday but I was born in the morning and he at night so I am older by a bit, which he hates. we hate seeing each other celebrating our birthday on the same day. we get into fights frequently, but we eventually start to appreciate each other more and become friends, despite our the conflict between our family as well as our friends. he stops treating harry like dirt after we become friends, but he and harry do not become friends.
the malfoys // we do not like involving ourselves with the malfoys, but narcissa treats me decently when she finds draco and i have become friends. lucius malfoy is a death eater. they live in malfoy manor.
the potters // my family was very close with the potters, but I hardly knew them as they died when I was 1 year old. we wanted harry to move in to live with us, but dumbledore did not allow it as he had to stay with lily's blood. I am very close with harry james potter.

『 friends 』
the golden trio
 // hermione jean granger and ronald bilius weasley are our friends. harry and I met ron on the hogwarts express in 1991. we became friends with hermione after defeating a mountain troll together in our first year. they always include me in their adventures.
dumbledore's army // I am friends with most of the people in the da, especially neville, ginny and luna.
the weasleys // I am friends with all of the weasleys but I am especially close to fred and george. we became friends after being put in detention together by filch in my first year.
the order of the phoenix // I am involved in the order in fifth year but not a part of it as I am underage. i like everyone in the order and we are like a family.
house-elves // I get to know dobby in fourth year and we sometimes visit him in the hogwarts kitchens. I am not very close with any other house-elves in the kitchens. winky is also there.
making friends // I have the ability to make friends easily. I also have the potential to be in a relationship with anyone. fred weasley becomes my love interest eventually. our relationship may or may not last, but we will still be close friends no matter what.

『 teachers 』
professor lupin // he is my father so we get on very well, but he is very fair and tries not to give me or harry special treatment in class. he is a very popular teacher.
professor mcgonogall // she likes me as much as she likes harry. we respect her a lot.
professor snape // he hates me at first (for obvious reasons) but as i am basically omniscient i am one of the only people who understand him
hagrid // we are good friends.
professor umbridge // I despise her. dumbledore's army come up with subtle ways to aggravate her without getting intro trouble (e.g. enthusiastically greeting every teacher that walks by and then blatantly ignoring her).

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