『 life 』

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when i first shift // it is september the first, 1993. all my summer homework is completed to a high standard. i wake up on the hogwarts express. i am in the carriage with remus, but he is asleep. harry, ron and hermione are also there.

the prophecy // voldemort rose and sybill trelawney's prophecy was made. voldemort killed lily and james in godric's hollow, but harry survived. sirius was not falsely accused. peter pettigrew was found to have betrayed the potters, and is in azkaban along with most of voldemort's death eaters. ron does not have a pet rat. sirius is not guilty and he, remus and i live happily at grimmauld place. regulus black died in the cave in 1979. harry is still part of the prophecy.

first year // the golden trio and i went through the trapdoor together and defeated professor quirrell and escaped voldemort. 

second year // harry kills the basilisk, saves ginny and destroys riddle's diary. professor lockhart did not become d.a.d.a. teacher but remus lupin did. I am a parselmouth so I could also hear the voices.

third year // this is the first time a d.a.d.a. teacher has lasted more than a year. peter pettigrew escapes from azkaban as a rat. dementors are placed around hogwarts because people suspect that peter will try to kill harry, but he doesn't. harry and I learn the patronus charm from remus. peter escapes to rejoin voldemort but does not come to hogwarts. other than the dementors, the year is pretty normal. we are allowed to go to hogsmeade. we use the time turner to save buckbeak from execution and take him back with us to grimmauld place where he is safe. peter rejoins voldemort and he can now rise again. I become an unregistered animagus. It is safe and I manage it first try. I can easily tranform at will.

fourth year // remus lupin is still d.a.d.a. teacher, because snape never revealed his secret so he was not forced to resign. barty crouch jr sneaks into school to put harry's name into the goblet, making him a triwizard champion. i help harry a lot during the tournament. i go to the yule ball with him after cho rejects him. professor mcgonogall teaches all of the gryffindors how to dance. the yule ball goes perfectly and I know how to dance very well. harry wins the tournament. he gets the cup first so cedric does not die. the cup was a portkey. peter pettigrew resurrects voldemort but harry escapes him. barty crouch is captured but minister fudge accidentally lets a dementor in and it sucks out crouch's soul so there is no proof that voldemort is back. harry gives his triwizard winnings to fred and george.

fifth year // dolores umbridge bulldozes her way into the school. to everyone's annoyance and anger, she kicks professor lupin out and takes his place as d.a.d.a. teacher. she exposes him as a werewolf. everyone hates her, except her inquisitorial squad, which is all slytherin. we start dumbledore's army. after harry has his vision of sirius, i try to persuade him not to go to the ministry. he does not listen, and uses floo powder to go to grimmauld place but is caught by umbridge before he can see sirius or kreacher. harry and the gang fly to the ministry, but i stay behind and tell snape what happened so we manage to gather the order quickly enough to fight the death eaters. sirius does not die and the death eaters do not get the prophecy. there was supposed to be a valentine's day dance which was cancelled because of umbridge.

sixth year // sixth year goes just as it does in the books. remus never came back to teach at hogwarts because umbridge spread his secret of being a werewolf. we are all very angry because of this. slughorn becomes potions master, and snape teaches defence against the dark arts. i am invited to be part of the 'slug club'. i try to help draco just as dumbledore does but he cannot accept because his family will be killed if he betrays voldemort. draco is unable to fulfil his task of killing dumbledore and snape does it in his place. they leave with the death eaters and dumbledore's funeral takes place. i am the only person who knows snape's secret. I learn to apparate in my sixth year. I am very good at apparating so I never get splinched. I pass my test first time. as our birthdays are later, i take the test with draco, harry and neville.

seventh year // harry, hermione, ron and i leave hogwarts for the quest to find the horcruxes. everything goes as it does in the book, and we win the wizarding war. fred, remus and tonks survive the war. dobby does not die. draco has a redemption arc. harry kills voldemort once and for all.

future // everyone retakes the year that was spent fighting, so we retake our seventh year and i graduate with good grades for my newt exams and become an auror. hermione and i start a campaign for equality. we fight for the rights of werewolves, centaurs, muggles, goblins, elves, half-giants and other wizarding races. we reshape the ministry. death eaters who survived the war are arrested and sent to azkaban, but the malfoys are not.

james and sirius do not let harry name his child 'severus'. what he actually names his children, we can find out when the time comes. we also do not let ginny name the children either because she is known to choose names such as 'arnold' and 'pigwidgeon'.

whoever i end up with (hopefully fred) and i have children and we will name them after harry and remus. if we have a girl we will decide when the time comes. i'm too young to think about having babies right now.

~will be updated~

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