Chapter 15-Aftermath & Safety

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A/N: So excited to share a new chapter! So I decided to get this one out before leaving for work! Enjoy!

"Peter my friend, it is good to see you!", declared Caius with a sadistic grin. Peter rolled his eyes...

"Now, now Caius you know why I asked you here.... asked you here to witness the Cullen's demise, especially that fucking Edward...And there is another reason.... See, you know that I am the true power in the Volturi, you and your brothers here have overstepped your bounds and should have known better.!", Peter roared glowing a bright menacing green.

"B---But you cannot be serious Peter! ", Aro stated shocked.

"Oh, but I AM helped to cause this mess with my daughter! The time as come for you and your brothers to go! I had to wait till this exact moment.... cold one's, my kind, were-wolves and all supernatural creatures are meant to be in harmony...Now this will not hurt a bit!", Peter fairly cackled the last line with glee and raising his hands, the Volturi "Kings" were surrounded by green flame and became as ash scattered to the wind.

"Now that, THAT's taken care of.... Come let us go inside...well inside what is left of the place anyway.... both Angela and Bella are there with Leah.... Now, Paul, Gene, Tommy and Eric, my fellow house of kiss members, Bella needs you...needs your blood now! I and the others will follow.", Peter urged. Tommy Thayer having gotten the message teleported them down to the basement where the mates were being protected by Leah.

"Dude! Did you fucking see that?! How bad-ass was that?!", Tommy Lee fairly bounced up and down with glee. Mick just rolled his eyes but managed to hide a small grin.

"T-Bone, move your ass!", Nikki snapped playfully but with fangs bared.

"Nikki, man relax a little!", Vince said. Their short conversation ended when they arrived in the basement, which with their speed took a mere second.

-In the Basement There is Light Amidst the Darkness-

Leah perked up and shifted back to her human looking form, fairly leaping at Ace as he came to her. Bella did not even have to move as she was gathered into the arms of her four beloved mates, her Tommy, her Eric, her Paul, and her beloved demon: Gene.  She sobbed clinging to each of them and wasting no more time, fed from each of them. Her strength completely restored, the children within her at peace and kicking gently as their mother reunited with their fathers...At long Last she felt safe, truly safe...Though it would take time for her to heal mentally. Bella glanced around to see that Angela was being kissed by each of her mates and held and comforted by them.... Her were-cubs were indeed happy as well, just like Bella's children.

"We are sorry beloved, so sorry! Should never have left you alone.!., Paul sobbed out.

"Listen to me, all of you...No one blames one. I certainly do not. I could not hate you if this WAS your fault. Just let it lie my mates...This, this had to happen...It was unfortunately meant to happen...No one wanted it, but it is over now.", Bella stated softly tears still running down her own face. She brought each of them into a loving tear-filled kiss. It would be ok, all with time which they had an eternity of, would heal all. Then Peter Criss appeared and hesitated.... Peter had been absent for so long, oh he had watched over her, made sure Bella was protected and he knew, Knew Bella understood why he could not see her in person until this moment...It was meant to happen this way.

Everyone looked up to see how the true meeting of father and daughter would go. Bella stood transfixed as she took in the man, the ancient vampire before her. Without realizing it, she had come to stand in front of Peter.... How, how did she not see? She looked at him in awe. Bella had those same dark brown Italian eyes, the same height, and facial features. She was his copy.... She was not angry at her father, no.... she understood completely he had to protect her and that he'd had no choice. Peter slowly, wrapped his arms at last around his daughter, well as best he could with her being so very pregnant. Both were crying but crying tears of joy.

Peter brought his lips and kissed her upon her forehead and was shocked when she did the same to him, shocked but happy.

"It's ok, dad...really. I understand why you had to do what you did. You did it out of love. Because you had to...", Bella murmured.

"Oh, my daughter, thank you.... I am here now and not going anywhere. So, 3 grandchildren, well so far huh?", Peter smiled.

"Yes. They are my little loves. I am so, I am safe...I have my beloved mates, my children, my family", she smiled radiating happiness. Everyone in the room could feel her emotions and so were happy too.

Peter released his daughter and Gene spoke up, "Come thunder goddess.... Let us all go home."

And so, the members of the House of Kiss & Crüe all headed towards their respective houses, towards home...and safety. 

A/N: There you have it! Hope you guys liked it! Thanks as always for the support & love for this story!...Also, included the song, because I Thought why not? Plus, I think it fits here. Stay tuned!

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