Chapter 11-The Past Comes Back to Haunt

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A/N: Well here it is! Hope you enjoy! I included the song, because I think it fits here! Anyway, on with the show!

After coming to realize that Bella and Angela were both pregnant, it was decided for all to head back to their respective houses. Angela was really worried about Bella and worried because somehow, she knew all too well that the past would come back to haunt at some point. Angela shook her head; Bella especially be affected by what was coming most of all.... All hell would break loose.... And things hidden will be revealed.

-At the House of Kiss-

"Mate, you need to rest...perhaps a sleep cycle would be best.... please our love", Gene spoke concern lacing his tone. Eric, Paul, and Tommy also voicing their concerns and urging her to rest. Although, their mate was calm and the children within her womb also calm, they could tell something was off. It was like Bella was keeping something from them, and they had a feeling it was something to do with her past.... They watched her disappear in a flash, as she made her way to their bedroom with out protest.

Bella sighed upstairs in the bedroom, she hated to keep her feelings from her mates, but she knew that they would find out or suspect something was off with her. Changing out of her fighting outfit & into a silk nightgown, she quickly slipped under the covers of the large bed. Her eyes close almost unnaturally fast and was quickly pulled into a strange and deep sleep, only this time.... this time it had nothing to do with the call of the mating pull...

Bella found herself back in the woods of Forks, the place of her abandonment by Edward. Why am I here? she thought. Suddenly Edward appeared taunting her, telling her once again she was not good enough and soon, he faded away and so did the scene. Bella was in a state of shock and fear. This felt all too real and like a warning....

Once the previous scene faded & another took its place, Bella this time was a mere spectator and was watching, not participating....

The Cullen's led by Edward found her and showed up at the house of Kiss. The obsessive one was back....

"No!", Bella breathed. "How did you find me?! Why can't you let me go? I am happy with my mates, with my family! You have no right!"

"Oh, Bella love, you weren't meant for this life, to be human...well not THEIR human anyway. You will be mine whether you want it or not, we are mates!", Edward sneered completely assured that he could make Bella his again, but really he had a far more sinister purpose, driven by delusion and the quest for power.

"You know that true mates cannot leave one another! I was never meant to be your damn human little pet! Fuck off!!,", She cried. Her shield burst forth in all its fury, taking out what was in its path and Bella collapsed to her knees panting with rage, trying to calm herself for the sake of her children and her mates. Bella realized that Edward and his family escaped, but would be back and somehow, she knew that he would try and take her, Angela would be with her and that it had to end once and for all. Her mates appeared in an instant, shocked, and worried. They hadn't wanted to leave their beloved, but unfortunately had to deal with band business, but still they felt guilty for putting her in danger and leaving her alone. Bella clung to each of them and assured them, that she did not in anyway blame them. The truth, she told them.... this had to happen, this had to end, she didn't want to risk losing them or her Motley family.

The scene then once again faded, but this time it was as if she was in a void. However, the void was not dark, it had a glowing green hue. She heard an oddly familiar voice but couldn't see their face or anything. The voice was sad, and said the time had come and soon the truth would be revealed...she had the feeling that it just didn't have to do with Edward, but her...the owner of the voice...Who was this person? Why did they calm her? What was the connection to her...? At last, the final vision was over, and she awoke....

During Bella's long and strange sleep, Bella's mates: Tommy Thayer, Eric Singer, Paul Stanley, and Gene were beside themselves with worry. They wanted their beloved mate, Bella to tell them what was wrong. They wanted to take away her pain, burdens are meant to be shared. The grounded started to shake violently and they could hear crashing sounds coming from the bedroom where their mate laid. Eyes all glowing crimson, they quickly sped to their bedroom where they found objects flying around and their mate at the center of the storm. They tried to calm her, to awaken her from her unnatural sleep, but suddenly she started to calm slightly and awoke with a scream.

She looked so afraid, tears running down her cheeks like a raging river. She threw herself into their arms, sobbing and wailing. They each held her for a long time, as she calmed completely as her mates purred to sooth her.

At last, she spoke trembling, "I-I saw things.... I saw first my abandonment by Edward and then him finding me and you guys had band stuff to do and I was alone. Finally, I was in a green hued void.... I---I.", Bella shook.

"Breathe our beloved, breathe we got you...", Eric spoke purring, chest rumbling. Currently she was in his hold, the others touching her soothingly where they could.

"I think the first two things I saw were warnings, visions of what's to come.... I have a feeling that these must happen. These.... well, this must end! Edward will come and ultimately come again and that's when...", she trailed off.

Tommy, Eric, Paul, and Gene all shared a look. They'd be damned if Edward hurt their mate anymore. It shook them to their core to see their mate so distraught. However, they had the feeling a war was coming...and another thing, the green hue she mentioned...could it be who they thought? In any case, they would win the war and kill those that would harm their beloved and Motley too would get in on the action.

A/N: Hope you guys loved this! I really could have kept writing but I loved how it turned out! Much love to you all!

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