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              Yami was walking to the meeting place with the others, he saw Moon in the distance. "Hi! Welcome back!" Yami said with laughter in his voice. Moons cheeks lit up a light teal as yelled back. "Hey!" Error smiled brilliantly. "So Moon, how was Mason?" Yami asked. "He was alright." Yami chuckled. "What's so funny?" "I thought you two would fight haft way through!"  'Well that's blunt' 'well that's blunt." Mason and Moon thought at the same time.

Time skip brought to you by your lazy author.

"Ok we're going to announce lucky two children that will be able to plant a seed in the garden!" Yami's said into the old microphone. Suddenly Yami's hand intertwined with Moon's without him noticing. Moons face lit up immediately. "Moon would you like to announce your pick?" Moon nodded and took the microphone from him. "Mason." The kids and the adults eyes widened in shock as Mason walked to the stage. "Thanks." Mason said in a low voice. "No prob." Yami took the outdated microphone back. (this is a different time period then today) "I pick........." The the children leaned forward in anticipation. "Emily!" The little girl ran out and took her place next to Mason vibrating in excitement. She turned to Mason. "Isn't this EXITING?!" She yelled right in front of his face. "Y-yeah." His face flared red. "Now let's get planting!"

Sorry that it's short

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