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Dream says that Error has been feeling more positive emotions. He's also destroying WAY faster then he ever has, its time I start investigating!
I opened a portal to the newest AU he has destroyed, looking for clues.

Back with Yami and Moon. (Moon POV)

The kids wiped the sweat of there foreheads happily looking at the plants they had put into the garden. "Ok kids! Sadly it's time for you to go." The children wind in annoyance. "Do we have to?!" Yami smiled softly. "Yep! Go run along now!"
Eventually the children left going back to the Orphanage. "Well that was nice." Yami leaned on Moon, both blushing slightly. "Yeah it was." ' He's leaning on me,He's leaning on me,He's leaning on me,He's leaning on me,He's leaning on me,He's leaning on me!'
"Hey, Yami?" "Yeah?" "Have you ever felt romantic feelings for someone?" Yami looked at me for a second. "Maybe..." He blushed yellow looking away slightly, clearly embarrassed. "Have you?" Yami asked. I nodded, pulling him closer smiling. "Uhh, guys?" We immediately moved away from each other after hearing Shiryoku. "Sorry was I interrupting something?~" Shiryoku teased, only to get hit on the head by his brother Shin'nen. "Sans! Don't be rude!" Shiryoku chuckled."Sorry bro." "Anyway! Gaster has requested to meet you and Moon for a quick examination, you can declin if you wish." Me and Yami thought for a moment before agreeing. "Great! It will take place tomorrow at 6:00."

Sorry it's short again but I wanted to get this out faster.

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