𝔇𝔦𝔫𝔫𝔢𝔯 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔚𝔦𝔫𝔢

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I could tell through his mask that he was a bit embarassed. "I never, really do this but um... Can I just see your phone?" I could feel the stupid, confused look on my face. "Um, yeah. Let me just go get it real quick." I closed my door and went the kitchen. I grabbed my phone, took a deep breath and went back to the door.

When I opened it I saw him petting Binx. "I'm so sorry I didn't even noticed she got out. He straightened up. "It's alright. She's sweet." I handed him my phone. "Why did I just give this stranger my phone?" After pressing a few buttons he handed my phone back. "Just incase there's an emergency. I'm assuming you live alone and it can't be that safe." He said. I smiled. "Well um, I should try to make myself something to eat." I look at the time. It's ten thirty. "Yeah, me too." he said.

We said a very awkward goodbye and went back inside. I look at Binx then at my phone. "Huh, I thought he would make his contact his actual name."


I put my phone down and walk to the kitchen. I took out a pack of ramen and picked up my bottle opener. "FUCK!" I heard a deep voice yell, then something hit against the wall. I put the bottle opener down, laughed and opened my phone.

Me: <Foil?>
☠️C☠️: <Yes.>

I sighed, put on my shoes and mask, picked up my cat and went next door. I knocked on the door and he answered wearing his black mask. "Need help." He turned red and nodded. He stepped out of the way for me to walk in. His layout was the same as mine. Livingroom right behind the kitchen, small but movable kitchen space, and bathroom and bedroom in the back. I looked around as my cat wiggled out of my arms. She ran to Bingus and they started play fighting.. I hope they were play fighting.

"So, where's the culprit?" I joked. He pointed to the foil on the floor across the livingroom. I looked at him and shook my head. I walked to the foil and picked it up. He followed me to his kitchen and watched me unravel the foil and line the pan. I look up at him "Viola." He laughed. "Thank you." He said embarrassed. I grabbed my cat. "Goodnight C." I said laughing and shaking my head.

Before I put my hand on the door I heard him talk. "What are you having tonight?" I blushed. "Ramen and wine. Weird combination, I know, but it works." "I'll supply food if you supply wine." I was excited to have a real meal for the first time since I left home. I dropped my cat and opened the door. "Deal."

I came back with two bottles of wine. "Really (Y/N), two bottles?" I scolded myself. "Two bottles? My kind of person." I set them on the counter and laughed. "I'm going to warn you; tonight could be very awkward because of the fact that I never talk anyone. Let alone this much in one day, in their house." C laughed. "Honestly, me neither. I never even give out my phone number. I don't know why but I feel like I could trust you.

He pulled out two wine glasses from his cabinet. "What are you a fugitive?" I joked. "Feels like it." He whispered.


"No, just a really private person."

"Yeah me too. I don't even talk to my friends or family anymore." I said as he poured the wine. He handed me a glass and went to the fridge. "Yeah I don't either. My family didn't really approve of me dropping out of school and I can never really keep in contact with my friends so I stopped trying." He pulled out a pack of chicken breasts and set them on the counter. "I was never really close to my family anyways so leaving home was an easy choice. I dropped my friends because it felt easier than having them wonder why I never answer their calls or messages."

I was going to sip my wine then I remembered my mask. "Do you mind?" I asked with my hand on my mask. "As long as you're clean I don't really care." I took off my mask and smiled. He stared at me and face got hot. "I'm sorry." I said, as I pulled my mask back up. "No no no, I didn't mean to stare. I just don't get out much or let people in so it's weird for me to see someone's whole face in person." I took my mask back off. "Why don't you take yours off. It's your house." He shook his head and chuckled. "Yeah no. I'm not that comfortable with my face."

He looked down and cut the chicken. "If it makes you feel better I'm not either." I said trying to make sure he didn't feel out of place. He smiled. "Yeah no way you aren't. You look fucking great." I smiled and turned away. "Thank you." I felt very awkward but flattered. "Um, may I use your bathroom?" He put down the knife he was using to cut the chicken and pointed to a hallway. "It's the door on the left." I got up off the stool and walked down the hallway.

I walked in and the first thing I noticed is that the mirror was covered. I felt bad that this man let me into his home and he won't take his mask off because he hates his face. "Aww C."

I washed my hands and opened the door. I sat back down and sipped my wine. "So, what are we making?" I asked smiling. "I was thinking chicken alfredo because I have company and I want to be fancy.. but then I remembered I don't know how." I shook my head and laughed. "I'll help you."

I got up and walked next to him. "Lets see. You already cut the chicken that's good." He put his hand behind his neck and laughed. "I'm surprised I even did that right." I laughed. "Here, put this in a pan and season it." He did what I told him and I opened his fridge to pull out the alfredo sauce and went to his cabinet to get the pasta.

We cooked, laughed, and drank together for about an hour. He put on an oven mitt and pulled the bread out of the oven. He dropped it on the counter. "Ow fuck!" I dropped what I was doing and ran over to him. "What happened?!" I pulled the oven mitt off and looked at his burnt hand. "I don't know. I had the oven mitt on." I felt the oven mitt and laughed. "It's wet C. You can't use a wet oven mitt. Where's your first aid kit?"

We sat on stools across from eachother while I cleaned and bandaged his now blistering hand. "I- I really don't know how I live alone." He laughed. "I don't know how you've been living without me." Realizing what I said, I blushed. "Please shut up." I told myself in my head. "Yeah, I don't either." I looked up at him and we both turned away.

"Welp. All wrapped up. I just study medicine. I'm not a doctor so i recommend seeing one about that." C nodded and looked at the food. I rolled my eyes and smiled. "I'll make plates." I said getting up.

I cut the bread and made plates. I put his plate in front of him and started eating. I looked at him. "Do you not like what we made?" I asked, as he stared at his food. "I'm, not left handed."

I tried hard not to laugh and make the situation more humiliating for him than it already was. Which I failed to avoid by picking up his fork and holding it to his mouth. He looked away and pulled his mask low enough to open his mouth. "I swear, the more of this man I see the more beautiful he gets." I felt his mouth on the fork. I opened my eyes wide in surprise that he's actually letting me feed him.

When we were done eating I checked my phone. "How is it already twelve in the morning?" I whispered. "I'm so sorry for keeping you here." He said. "No, I actually had a lot of fun. Maybe my social anxiety will allow me to do this again." He laughed. "Mine too." I grabbed my mask and Binx cuddling with Bingus. "I'll talk to you soon." Before closing the door behind me I saw him wave with his bandaged hand. I let out a small laugh and shut the door.

I showered and got into my comfy cloths. As I was climbing into bed I heard my phone chime.

C️-Message Hidden

I opened the message and smiled.

️C️: <Goodnight :)>
Me: <Goodnight <3>

"Why the fuck would I put a heart when he put a smily face?" I sighed and try to go to bed. After an hour of thinking about what I could've done instead, I went to sleep.

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