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"(Y/N)?" I heard a deep voice call my name, making me turn my face from my bedroom door to my window. "I thought we had a good day yesterday." C whispered. I got up, walked to my door, and threw it open. "Well sorry my feeling like shit is an inconvenience to you! What can I do to make my situation better for you so you're comfortable?!" I asked sarcastically.

C was taken aback and to be honest, so was I. "C, I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me." I said apologetically. Without saying anything, C wrapped his arms around me. "I'm so sorry. I've been so insensitive." he said. I shook my head in his chest. "It's not you. This has just been, very difficult to deal with." I said. C nodded. "Don't worry. I understand." he said.

I let go and sighed. "Well, my anger brought me out of bed at..." I looked at my phone. "9:30 in the morning. What should we do today?" I asked. A red blush created over C's face. "Actually, you have a therapist appointment today." he said. Anger consumed me. "I thought I said I didn't need a therapist." I said sharply. C looked down at me. "I know you did, and I don't care. You need one. I care about you too much to lose you so I'm taking every precaution in the book, including therapy." he said. "Wow, C really put his foot down didn't he?" I thought to myself.
I turned my head away from him. "When is it?" I asked. C lit up. "2:30 but it's a two-hour drive so we should start getting ready around 11:30." he said. I sighed. "Fine."


It was quiet and awkward in C's car. "C, do we really have to go?" I asked. C looked down then back at the road. "I don't want to make you, but I'm worried about you, (Y/N). Please, if not for you then for me to feel a bit at peace?" he begged. I looked down. "I'll do it for you." I agreed. I looked at C. "Will you wait for me?" I asked. C smiled. "Of course, I will. Maybe after we can go get lunch? I'll pay." he said. I shook my head. "You're already paying for therapy, I'll pay for lunch." We got to a stoplight. "Please, let me pay." he said with pleading eyes. His sweet tone took me off guard. 

"I-" I started. It was all I was able to say. I didn't know what to say. His eyes pinned me down and stripped away my ability to speak. "Damn this falling in love thing is so frustrating." 

I just nodded and put my head down, face hot. C noticed but started to drive. "Are you alright?" he asked. I nodded. "Are you getting sick? Let me feel you." he said. He reached his hand over and felt my forehead, causing my face to burn up even more. "That's weird. You were fine this morning." he said. "I'm alright. I'm not sick." I said. C raised a brow. "But you're face is-" "I know! I'm not sick! L-Let's just go to this therapy section and get it over with!" I shouted, feeling a bit awkward. C smiled and laughed a bit. "Alright." he said. 
I felt a little bad. "I'm sorry for yelling at you." I apologized. C laughed. "It's ok I know you didn't want to be rude." he said.

I sunk down in my seat. "I really don't want to do this C." I said as we pulled into the parking lot.  "I know, but know I'll be here waiting for you." he said. I looked down. "Alright." I said. We walked into the building and a small woman greeted us at the desk. "(Y/N)?" she asked. I looked down and to the side. "Yes." I answered shortly. "Don't worry sweetie, it'll be ok. Nothing intense." she promised. I nodded as I followed her into a room and I looked back at C. He gave me a soft smile and sat in a chair. I smiled a bit, then turned forward.

"So tell me about yourself. Any friends, family?" she asked. "No. I don't talk to my friends or family anymore." I said. I decided for C, that I was going to cooperate. It might not be so bad.

"When was the last time?" she asked. "About two years ago." I answered. She started to write stuff down. I felt like I was being judged, and I hated it. "So what do you like to do for fun?" she asked. "Watch tv, I guess. I haven't had much time since school started." I said. 

"Why don't you find the free time?" the therapist asked. 

"Because I'm fine focusing on school."

"Do you think you would feel better if you had a hobby?"

"I don't know, I don't think I feel this way because I don't have a h-"

"Why did you cut off your family?"

"I- we were never close so I moved out to be on my-"

"You say you were never close what's the most positive interaction you had with your family."

I froze. "That's private." I said darkly. "Well, everything in this room stays between us." 

"Well, I'd rather it stay with me."

"Does your family know you almost died? Would they care?" she asked. 

I jolted up. "I think we're done here." I said. I stormed out the room and C looked at me. My face was hot and I was distressed. Tears started streaming down my face. "I- I want to go home." I said. C didn't ask any questions. He nodded, took my hand in his right, pulled out his keys with his left, and then we walked out.

The first part of the car ride was quiet, then we pulled into Wendy's drive-thru. "I just want to go home." I said. "I haven't let you have fast food for a while, this might cheer you up." he said. I just looked out my window with sad eyes. C gave me an optimistic smile. "How about we get a four for four and we can each have two. We can pig?" he asked. I looked down. "That actually sounds nice." I said.

C ordered and we drove back home. We walked up the steps to my apartment, but the door was already open.

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