𝔚𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔇𝔦𝔡 𝔜𝔬𝔲 𝔇𝔬?

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*Because of personal reasons the name Shawn spelled any way is appalling to me so I changed the brother's name :)*

"Ok. No. Take whatever bullshit speech you brought written down on some raggedy-ass sheet of paper and get out of my apartment." I ordered.

Chris looked appalled. "You really think that little of me?" he asked, shocked. I just stared at him and he nodded. "Ok, fair, but it's not just that I missed you-" he started.

"I don't have any money for you and you can't stay here." I said, assuming what he was going to say. It wasn't out of character for him. That's what he's after when he visits, and he keeps coming because I provide and when he finds something he wants more he leaves, leaving nothing but a shitty apology on a piece of paper; last time it was a McDonald's napkin. A MCDONALD'S NAPKIN PEOPLE! Do you see why I don't trust people? It's because there are some out there that are just like my brother and you can never be too safe.
Anyways, I don't have the energy to take care of my older brother right now so it's time to break that cycle.

"(Y/N), I know about the car accident. I'm your emergency contact." Chris said.

I looked down. I forgot I put him down as my emergency contact. He's the only bit of family I talk to. "I'm- fine." I said.

"Fine?! You almost died, even though I knew, you didn't know that I did and didn't even call me. So I raised the money to see you and you're not home. School? Nope. On your calendar on the fridge for today, it says fucking therapy so that must mean you're having problems mentally. You're in no condition to live alone right now baby sis." Chris stressed.

I was shocked. For once, my brother came to see me about, me.

"She's not alone." C spoke up. I turned around, forgetting he was there.

"What? She's living with you? Someone I'm sure is a stranger? No, (Y/N) you need family." my brother argued.

"I already said I'm not giving you a place to stay so give up the act." I ordered. This had to be a play to get himself a little more permanent place to stay. 

"Then stay with me. I have a nice apartment, a little bigger than this. I already set up your own bedroom. I just don't want to leave you in the hands of a stranger. You're not well." Chris begged.

Well shit. He was actually here worried about me, but I couldn't give in: What if this was all an act? Something to get me, and my money under his care.
"I'm not well? What, you finally go a while without drinking or pumping your veins and you know what's best for everyone else?" I snapped.

"That's not fair (Y/N)-" Chris started.

"No, what's not fair is you finally showing up to be a decent brother, judging someone who's been taking good care of me, then trying to pull me away from my home. And what are you disguising it as? Caring about me? Y-Yeah right, C-Chris. J-Just get the hell out." I stuttered.

C and Chris were frozen. "What?" I asked. 

"Maybe you should sit down." C said taking my hand. 

I jerked it away. "What are you talking about? I'm fi-" I passed out.
I woke up in my room with C by my side. I sat up and groaned but he laid me back down. "What happened?" I asked.

"I really don't know. I was going to take you to the hospital the second you woke up. You were talking then you just started sweating and stuttering and you passed out on the ground. Your brother carried you in here." C explained.

I rolled my eyes. "Is he still here? I asked. 

C nodded. "I asked him to wait in the living room. I caught the drift that you wouldn't want him around once you woke up,  but I didn't think it was my place to ask him to leave." he said.

I sighed and started getting out of bed.

"I really think you should go to the hospital though." C suggested.

I shook my head. "I was probably just stressed out. I'm fine now, but if it happens again we'll go." I said opening my bedroom door.

I walked into my living room to see Chris sitting on my couch. When he saw me he shot up. "Are you alright? Why didn't you say you still have fainting spells when you get stressed out? I would've tried a different approach-" 

I cut him off. "Chris, you need to leave. I understand you came here with positive intent, you do every time, but, you can't help but ruin things. Then instead of trying to fix them, you leave me to clean up the mess.  I can't hurt myself like that anymore, and if you really love me, you shouldn't be able to either." I said sadly. 
I love my brother. He's the only family I ever really got close to, but he has this awful habit of getting what he wants, even if it meant hurting the people who love him whether he loves them back or not.

Chris grabbed my hand. "(Y/N). I know what I've done to you and it's absolutely unforgivable. I will spend my life with that regret as I have since the day it happened, but it's different now. I have everything, and now I want to share it and take care of you. Don't you understand? I have everything now, I'm just missing you." he said.

I pulled my hand away. "Chris, you lost me during your pursuit of everything. You failed to realize that having one good person who loves you is worth more than any amount of money and you lost that person. I wanted to stick by your side and you pushed me away. Now you see that having everything is nothing without someone good to share it with. Since you went after it alone, you can keep it, alone. I'm not hurting myself by trusting you again."
I walked back to my room, walking past a confused and pitiful-looking C. "You can show yourself out. Thank you for coming all this way, I'm sorry it was for nothing."

I shut my door and C looked at Chris. "Dude. What did you do?" he asked my brother.

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