Chapter 5: To See Him Again

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Disclaimer: all the characters besides Hikari and her family belong to Takeshi Konomi.


It was a Friday afternoon and I was heading home from my classes. I did most of my reading on campus. I didn't hear anything from Tezuka since that night. {Maybe he is busy.} I got to my apartment and set my stuff down next to my desk.

I look a book out of my bag and went to the living room. I put my phone down on the table and sat on the couch to read. I was about to do my reading until I felt a buzz in my jacket. I pulled my phone out. It was a message from Tezuka. "Are you doing anything tomorrow?" he texted. "No," I texted back. {Why did he want to know?}

I felt my phone buzz. I looked down at my phone. "Can I see you?" he texted. I froze and stared at my phone. {He wants to see me?} I had so many thoughts in my head. The buzz from my phone got me out of my thoughts. "Are you there?" he texted. I quickly text him back. "Sure you can." I felt the buzz. "Can I get your address?" he texted. I quickly texted him my address.

"See you tomorrow then," he texted. "Ok," I texted back. I closed my phone and set the phone on the nightstand. {What am I going to do?! What am I going to wear?!} I was panicking in excitement. I never had a boyfriend before. I shook my head. {What am I thinking?} I felt my heart beating when I think of him.

Inside, I really wanted to see him again.

Next day...

I woke up early and got dressed. I wore a black skirt and a brown turtle neck long sleeve shirt. It was cold out today. I had white socks on. I had my hair down. I didn't wear any make up though. I never liked make up. Many people had said that I didn't need it. I sat in front of the mirror. {What is he going to think of me?}

I heard the door bell ring. I jumped a bit. I quickly got up and went to the door. I opened the door to see him there. He had a brown leather jacket, white shirt and blue scarf. He had a dark brown pants on. He looked a bit different but amazing.

I notice that we were staring at each other for a long time. I managed to snap myself out. I shook my head a bit. "Um...hi come in," I said shyly. He gave me a nod. He walked inside and I closed the door. I turned to see him looking around the apartment.

"You must have been busy since winning the tournament," I said. He turned to look at me. "I had training and a few interview," he said. I nod to him. I understood how busy he would be. "Would you like some tea," I asked. He nodded his head. "Please have a seat. i will get the tea out when its ready," I said and walked into the kitchen.

I had some green tea in the cabinets. I put some tea leaves in the pot of boiling water and let the tea seep into the water. After a few minutes, I pour some tea in some cups and brought them out to the living room. I set a cup in from of him while I set mine on the other side of the table where my seat was.

I sat in the couch across from him. I was nervous and shy. I looked up to see him sip his tea. "So...why did you want to see me?" I asked nervously. I saw him set the cup down back on the table and look at me.

"I wanted to see you again," he said. I felt my heart pounding in my chest. I blushed a bit "I thought you may have forgotten about me, but you gave me a reason to think that you didn't forget about me," I said to him. He nodded his head.

We sipped out tea and talked about our lives a bit more. He was class president in Junior high school. He was captain of the boys tennis team. He went overseas with his team to beat foreign tennis team. He was distinguished buy in his own way. His achievements followed grew to his success in his career.

We had a nice conversation about learning about each other. I learned more about him than him learning about me. I only mention about my education and my writing. I didn't mention anything about my family.

We looked at the time. It was 4:30 pm. "Would you like to go for a walk with me?" he asked. I smiled at him. "Sure," he said. We got up from our seats and walked to the door. I took out my white coat from the closet. He helped me wear my jacket. "Thank you," I said. "You're welcome," he said to me. I got my keys and phone and we walked out together.

I had a feeling that we were going to have a great time.

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