Chapter 10: Falling Apart

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Disclaimer: all the characters besides Hikari and her family belong to Takeshi Konomi.


Three months later.....

Another three months had past and our relationship went to a whole new level. We spend so much time together since we made our relationship official. The press and the paparazzi didn't know though. We wanted it that way. Two months ago, Kunimitsu went away to America for a tournament. He won that one as well. It was hard for us to communicate since he was busy, but he made up time for us to be together when he came back.

Two weeks ago we took a three day weekend vacation to Italy. The vacation was very romantic. I started to call him by his first name Kunimitsu. He had planned everything for the trip. He bought me some clothes and a bag. I bought him some things as well. Dinners were always romantic. He showed me what love was all about. I really loved him.

School wasn't so bad. I had a few months to go in my master's degree program. Soon, I will be able to write better stories than before. My first story that I was writing was coming out great. I added a few more chapters since then. In a way, it was inspired by Kunimitsu's and I relationship. I had to thank him when I publish the book.

It was a Friday and exams were done for the time being. Summer was coming up. I would have a month break before I had to go back to school again. I wondered if Kunimitsu had a tournament coming up. I looked up on the internet and found that he had a tournament on the last week of my vacation. That meant that he would have to go a week before the tournament. So I only had two weeks with him before he goes away.

II felt a buzz in my jacket while I was walking to my apartment. I took my phone out and smiled that it was Kunimitsu. "Hello, Kunimitsu," I said. "Hello Hikari. I thought we could hang out at my place for the week," he said. "Sure no problem. I will see you tomorrow," I said. "Ok love you," he said. I smiled at the words. "I love you too," I said and hung up.

Next day.....

I walked up to his apartment door and went inside. I saw him on the couch watching TV. "Hi," I said with a smile. He came over to me and gave me a kiss. "How was your trip here?" he asked as he pulled me to the couch. "It was fine. Shouldn't you be practicing for the tournament?" I asked. We sat down on the couch.

"I do but, I thought that you could stay with me this week while I practice," he said. I nodded my head. "Next week, I won't have the time since I would be busy," he said. I smiled "Good enough answer to me," I said. We snuggled in the couch together and watch TV.

We had our routine for the week. He would go to practice all day and I would cook him dinner. After we ate dinner, we would spend our time together doing what ever we want. We would watch TV, go out for night walks, or go on his bed and embrace each other and talk to each other.

Last day of the week....

It was time for me to go back to my apartment. Kunimitsu had a tournament coming up. Kunimitsu drove me to the train station and paid for my ticket. We embraced each other the whole time until it was time for me to board the train.

"Destination Berlin"

I looked up at him. "Good luck in the tournament," I said to him. He nodded his head. We gave each other one last kiss and pulled apart. I walked inside the train to a window seat. the train started to move and waved to him. He waved back.

Now I have to wait for him to return in three weeks. Can't wait.

Three weeks later...

It was a rainy day, Kunimitsu stopped calling me for some reason. I haven't heard from him for a few days. I thought maybe he was busy from winning the tournament. I knew he came back yesterday because usually, athletes came back the day after the tournament. It has been two days. I was really worried.

It was 9:30 pm and I was still waiting. I heard my phone ring. I quickly picked the phone up. "Hello Kunimitsu?" I said quickly. "Can we meet?" I heard him ask. "Sure where?" I said. "Meet me at the park in Berlin," he said and hunger up on me. I had a bad feeling. {He didn't sound very happy.}

I made my way to the park and saw him in the rain. I quickly made my way towards him and put the umbrella over us. "Whats wrong?" I asked him. He didn't look at me. He kept his face down.. I couldn't see his eyes due to the glare on his glasses.

"Kunimitsu?" I said his name again.

"We should break up," I heard him say.

I dropped my umbrella. I couldn't believe what he had just said.

I felt my heart stop.

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