Chapter 8

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"You can't be serious," Sophia deadpanned, a piece of buttered toast halfway to her mouth.

I sat with her hands folded, having already eaten before Sophia was served. I glanced at the kitchen maid busying herself by the door with a tray.

"I am. I'm entirely serious, Sophia. You can't give in to him. He has a plan—" I just started.
"To ruin us all?" Sophia asked incredulously. "What does he hope to achieve?"

"This wasn't his choice. He's being forced to choose a mate this Hunt, and he's only going to do it in the most painful way possible for all."
Sophia sat back in her chair, delicate legs crossed, her brows heavy with thought. "So....another challenge that isn't on the list, then."

I held back a sigh. Of course that's how Sophia would see it.

"Well a challenge he'll have, then. I won't be giving up anything that easily," the princess declared haughtily.

A light knock at the door was received by the maid, who curtsied immediately and stepped back.

I didn't have time to collect myself as a manservant stepped in, followed by King Gabriel himself, as if he knew we'd been speaking of him.

I tried to keep the mortification off of my face.

"The King, your majesty," the manservant murmured, and I recognized the second voice from the night before. He was an average sized man, with a pleasant face, serious and sharp. I straightened up hastily and glanced at Sophia.

Who was, unfortunately, far gone.

The princess was staring at Gabriel as if she'd never seen another wolf before. I watched her eyes darkening to the maroon that took over whenever we transformed, and I could tell by the twitch in the princess's shoulder that she was fighting hard to keep her composure.

"My King," she murmured, standing and curtsying low to the ground. I followed suit quickly, and stood again to find Gabriel's narrowed eyes on me.

He clearly recognized me from our run-in outside of the banquet.

Gabriel looked back to Sophia, and took a few slow steps into the room, surveying his surroundings.

"I came to be sure you have everything you could possibly need," he said, his eyes moving languidly to the princess as he said it and trailing down her body.

Sophia's cheeks flushed just slightly, her mouth parting.

It was then I knew that all hope was lost.

"I do," Sophia answered breathlessly. "Thank you."

Gabriel nodded, a small smirk gracing his lips.

"Good. In that case, I've come to personally inform you that there will be a dance tomorrow night. And if you would have me, I would like to be your first partner of the evening."

His voice purred on the end of the last word, as it had our first day here, and my eyes narrowed. I knew exactly what he was doing, and unfortunately, he was doing it well. Sophia was totally and utterly lost to his charm.

"I would be honored, my King," she replied, curtsying once again.

With the princess's eyes on the ground, Gabriel looked at me dead on. He didn't bother hiding his interest at finding me here. I had mentioned Sophia's name at the dinner.

"And of course everyone is welcome," the King added, eyes flashing before he looked back to Sophia.

We both murmured our thanks once more as Gabriel smiled gracefully before taking his leave.

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