Chapter 32

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A day later things had barely calmed down. The Kingdom was just as excited to have an Alpha female chosen as they'd been to receive the twelve contenders. Edith had gone back to her pack quietly after the last night of the Hunt, Caroline had asked if she could stay and train with the Huntresses, and the others had slipped away quietly after the official announcement.

All except Morgan, who was noisily gathering the betas and servants she'd brought with her, preparing to return to the Blue pack.

Sophia sniffed loudly and circled the gown again, the one my mother had made her and had John delivered.

It was a surprise to find that thinking of him no longer caused an ache in my chest. I was able to gloss over the memory of him and move on easily enough to more important matters; tonight would be my last night here. A last ball to congratulate the new Alpha couple.

"Are you sure you don't want to come?" Sophia asked, picking non-existent lint off of the dress.

I startled from my place on the couch and almost dropped the book I'd been reading.

"No," I answered idly. "If you don't need me, I'd rather not. I wanted to grab a few more things for Jason and some fabric for my mother."

Sophia turned, grinning.

"You know I'd never deny your mother more fabric. Everything she creates is absolutely gorgeous. I'll have to talk to Raquel about the possibility of bringing her here, or commissioning some clothing from her if possible." She turned to gaze thoughtfully at the gown again, picking at the skirt now.

I swung my legs over the couch and stood, tossing the book onto a nearby chair.

"I'm just going to write them a quick letter, to let them know I'll be home in a day or two," I said, heading toward my room.

If I was being honest the main reason I didn't want to accompany Sophia into the Kingdom was because she'd be going with Queen Raquel, Gabriel, and a small entourage to let the people of the Kingdom get a good eyeful of the new couple. I just didn't think I could stomach being around the two of them. Gabriel belonged to her now, and I loved Sophia almost like a sister – I couldn't hate her for it, but that didn't mean I needed to stand by and watch, either.

Mom, Dad, and Jason, I wrote messily on a pad of paper I found in a desk drawer, I'll be home in a day or two. Hope the gifts found you well – I just need to grab a few more things, set Sophia up for the ball tonight, and then I'll be heading home. I'm sure you've already heard the good news so I won't bother repeating it here. But mom, all of your dresses and outfits were a hit. A few of the other princesses were obviously envious and not as well turned-out as ours.

Miss you all.



Folding it up quickly and shoving it in my back pocket, I grabbed a tote bag and headed for the door, letting my hair down.

Sophia was talking to two maids who had been assigned to her by Queen Raquel. She didn't even notice when I slipped out, and relief swept through me. I was worried she'd ask me to stay on with her at the Kingdom.

But she knew me well enough to know that I'd be uneasy here in the long run. I belonged back with our pack – I was an Autumn wolf, and would always be one, needing to be close to the forest.

The hallways were peppered with staff and guests happily chatting with one another in excited tones. It made me feel even more isolated as I slipped through a pair of French doors that led outside, where exactly I wasn't sure, but I knew which direction I needed to go in to get to the city streets and the post office.

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