Chapter 19

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The side door shut behind me and I spun, surprised by how loud the sound was. Wasn't the whole point of coming out this way to not get caught?

When I turned again, he was only a few feet away, standing in the shadows. Even with his face darkened I could see the cool glint of his eyes, softer now as he looked at me.

Gabriel wore a simple outfit, something one of his betas would wear - well-tailored trousers and a button down shirt, the first few top buttons undone to expose a light sprinkling of chest hair.

"Hi," I said, immediately feeling like an idiot and wishing I'd come up with something smoother or more charming.

He grinned, the shadows giving him a wolf-ish look. "Hi."

I walked stiffly to his side, feeling strange now that we were alone together but fully clothed and calm.

Well...maybe not entirely calm. I was definitely nervous and unsure about what exactly was happening, but Gabriel seemed on edge as well. It was strange to see my King and Alpha so unsettled, frowning to himself as we walked down a cobbled pathway toward a grid of streets lit by street lamps.

"You've never been to the city before?" he asked, glancing at me.

I shook my head. We were cutting through some kind of residential area, the houses close together but very obviously high-end, with ornate windows and beautiful cars in the short drives.

Gabriel was smiling at me. "Have you never left the Autumn territory then?"

"No. I don't know that I ever would have, without Sophia."
He stayed close to the fences and stone walls, but his eyes were on me.

"You're very loyal to her?"

"Of course. Yes. We were friends, sort of, growing up. And she got me a place in the Autumn palace. If I wasn't her maid, my family..."
I trailed off, feeling my face heat up and hoping he wouldn't notice. It was embarrassing discussing my low standing in the pack with the one person who held the absolute highest title.

What was I doing?

"Your parents are both omegas?" He asked it casually, with no judgement, but I still cringed inside. Why did he have to follow this line of questioning.
"They are. But they've always...wanted more." He looked interested enough that I continued as we strolled down back streets, which grew wider now, pairs of people appearing nearby chatting as they too walked around. "My mother came here as a girl. A little younger than me, I think, but didn't work out."

We had stopped near a small copse of trees just outside of a beautiful townhouse. This neighborhood was more what I admired – not rich, exactly, but well-off. The house was well maintained and gardens spilled over the short stone walls into the walkway. I reached out to touch a few flowers.

Gabriel reached into his back pocket and pulled out a baseball cap, putting it on deftly. I couldn't help the laugh that bubbled out of me and clamped a hand over my mouth.

He raised an eyebrow. "Something funny?"
"I just...didn't know the Alpha preferred hats," I said, laughter edging my voice.

Gabriel swayed closer to me, his eyes bright with humor, but his smile dangerous.

"And you know a lot about my preferences?" he asked in a taunting voice.

I felt desire pull at my navel and forgot for a moment that we were exposed, in public, with other couples and groups making their way down the street.

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