Chapter 21

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It was the first official day off since we'd arrived – no obligations, brunches, events, dinners. Sophia had gone against my advice to spend the day sparring and decided she needed some pampering instead. Queen Raquel had been nice enough to offer up her own entourage, a group of four young women who gossiped, painted nails, washed and cut hair.

In my room, I threw on a pair of jeans and a tank top with a jacket over top. Outside I could hear the loudest and youngest of the group spilling the latest news she'd heard.

"The gardener's apprentice said they had to dig up all of the dahlias early. There were – get this – three body prints!"

"Sounds like the King is finally back to his old ways," one of the quieter girls commented.

"Do you think so?" Sophia asked, her voice light, though I knew she was playing close attention. "What do you think had him so distracted for the last week and a half?"
There was silence as they all contemplated the reason. Then the last girl who had spoken answered: "His mother, most likely, and the pressure of the Hunt. Although he hasn't been as ornery as he usually is when he's stressed."

I tried not to glower on my way out of the suite as I listened to the giggling and chatter. Sophia and I got along, but this – being girly – wasn't something I could fulfill for her. Our gossip was centered around politics, not the cutest betas in the packs. I was more worried about the approaching Transformation night than what color her toenails should be.

Ducking out a side door, I interrupted princess Morgan and Iris's maids talking outside. They gave me a quick glare before tightening their circle.

I tried to fight back the roil in my stomach; this was a good sign. The less friendly other pack members, the better Sophia must be doing. This meant everyone saw her as a threat.

Turning a corner out onto one of the main streets, I threw my hair up into a messy bun before flipping the collar of the jacket up. We were definitely getting into fall; back home it would be chilly now. Today had just a bit of a bite to it.

This was a different way into town than Gabriel had brought me a few nights before, but I didn't feel like walking the same streets. There was a bitterness inside that I was trying to quash down ever since hearing that he had picked up with his old ways again.

You shouldn't be surprised, I told myself as I trudged along. This is what you wanted. And what needs to happen.

That didn't mean it didn't hurt. But I tried to ignore that, making my way further into town.

The morning after I'd told Gabriel we had to stop, one of the palace messengers came to Sophia's rooms to let us know my mother had sent a package. I'd offered to go and pick it up myself, knowing that getting off of the palace grounds would be good for me. Now I just had to find the post office.

After wandering for a bit, catching a glimpse and turning away from the canal, I finally caved and asked for directions.

"Hello," I said quietly as I entered, letting the door shut softly behind me.

An older woman stood behind the counter, glasses perched at the end of her nose. She glanced up at me and put aside whatever she was working on.

"Hello there. How can I help you?"

"I was sent down from the palace to pick up a package. For Sophia –"

"Of the Autumn pack?" She smiled after she said it and I nodded, smiling shyly back.

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