Hellow again!

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Hi my name is Emily Carter but I go by Boo and I'm 5 foot6.
So this morning I woke up to the sound of my mom saying that she was going to work. It was about 8:30 in the morning.
I figured that I might as well get up since it was summer time and I live in San Antonio Texas.I moved here about 3years ago.
While I was eating I turned on the music on my phone. I really,really love music "it help's me when I'm down".

"Hour later"
I felt my phone buzz, I looked at the lock screen and saw it was an text from: Kiera Bestie.That was weird because Kiera said to me last night that she wouldn't be able to text me.
I unlocked my phone and read the message said ...
from:kiera Bestie
Hey !!
So I sent a text back saying "hey? I thought you said that you weren't going to be home today!"
We both have I phones so it shows when people read and writing.
Around 9:38 it showed that Kiera had read the message.
I sat up on my desk waiting for her to text back.
"Well do you also remember what els I said ??!?"
To: Kiera
"Oh yeah oops sorry!:( so any way WHAT WAS THE SURPRISE!!!??"
"First off boo-boo calm down lol and well I went to my friends house and the reason That I can text is because my friend let me hook up to their internet and before you ask who my friend is its Buddy ferrel and we are going to see a movie together."
"Also just wondering if you could go also if you can it will be around 10:00 am."

Afterwords I called my mom and this is what was said in our conversation mom "Are you ok ?whats up?" Me "I'm fine and I was just wondering if I could go to the movies with Kiera and her friend" my mom is the best she lets me do a lot of cool fun stuff with my friends.
Mom "Yep you sure can just make sure just make sure you tell me when you go and come back." me "oh ok thank you mom." mom"ok bye no problem."
"I can go <3 boo-boo"
"Ok I'll see u soon."
I just got out of the shower and straitened my hair and I walked out of that room and looked in the mirror at my reflection at my black leggings and my under- armor hoodie and my friends snap back love this hat!<3 and my blue and black DC'S
I put my long brunette hair into a messy bun. That's when I heard "what about love " go off on my phone I rushed to get my phone I recognized that ring tone from any where!
I answered the phone."Hey Austin what's up ?"
"Hey girly friend lol."
"Also nothing I was just wondering if u wanted to go to the movies with me at 10:00am?"
Oh yeah I forgot to mention that we were face timing I could see all the hope in his eyes .
Oh them eyes are beautiful !
Me "well Austin I all ready made planes with Kiera and B."
Right there I saw the hope had left and sorrow had come.
Austin "who is B."
Me "Oh no body."
Austin "oh so ur rejecting me for Kiera and B!"
Me "I'm not rejecting you . You can meat us there."
Austin" But apparently you don't want me to meet B for some reason."
Me "Austin the reason I don't want u to meet buddy is because one I did not want u to get jealous like u are now!!
Me" Fine I will cancel it with them to go with you.
The hope came back and he was all happy.
Me" I guess I will just tell them that my dad came and got me."
Austin" Great I will be there in just a few shawty bye."
Me "ok bye."
The door bell went off and Odie,Chole,and Lulu all started barking ! Ugg!
So then I grabbed my phone and answered the door it was Austin.
"Come on in "
So he sat on my couch and Odie jumped right up on his lap lol.
*calling Kiera*
Kiera"hello" ...Me "oh hey "Kiera "hey boo-boo."
Me "hey sorry I need to cancel on such a short notice my dad came and picked me up."
Kiera "oh ok sorry boo-boo."
Me "thx bye."
Kiera "No problem bye."
*call ended*
Ready to go? Austin said.
Austin just got his drivers license!
Lucky two more years till I get mine.
As Austin locked my house door I ran to his truck " I love this truck shh don't tell Austin lol;)."
*Austin POV*
Dang that girl even though she has shorter legs than me she can run faster than Odie he is one fast dog!
Does she even know she is beautiful?
BEAUTIFUL omg I half to watch what I say if that would have popped out idk what to do lol.
I half to unlock my truck.
I grabed her waist and put her in the truck because she is just a little to short to reach the step:).
I tried to look a little fancier than normal so I wore my DC'S and jeans and my black and red shirt with a snap back!;D
Boo texted her mom saying that she was leaving.
Hey Austin said boo
Me yeah?
Boo "what movie r we seeing ?"
Me "Its an surprise."
*me smirking *
Boo"pleas tell me you know I don't like surprise's!
Well I do but not if u rub it in my face!
Me "for ur information I did not rub it in your face I just didn't tell you what movie we were going to see because one its a surprise and two because I missed ur 15th birthday and here ... *Boo's POV*
I feel so bad now oh the way I acted and the fact that Austin pulled out a blue box I opened it and found...
*Austin's POV*
She opened the box and pulled out a blue and red engraved heart neckless that said boo and on the back it said 16 which is her lucky number!
A tear slipped down her cheek and she hugged me I wrapped my arm around her side.
*parked in the parking lot*
*Boo's POV*
Thank You I said as I staring into his beautiful eyes.
Austin must have said Something but I didn't hear him so he shook me back into reality.
Boo are u ready to go in there is only a couple minutes before the movie starts?
I grabbed my phone and turned off the volume.
We headed into get our tickets and I put my ticket in my back pocket and he got a payday and pop corn yum.
I asked Austin can you pleas tell me what the movie is now ?
Austin looked at me I knew the answer
Was no but then he said Yes I got my hopes up then he said when the movie starts.
I frowned and said fine.:(
Austin and I sat in the back to the side in the two seaters!
Then the lights darkened and the people quieted up Austin and I got settled and comfy then the commercials started .
Just then I got Excited !!! Yeah movie time!

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