New school?

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*Boos POV *

When I got in the building and I was walking in the hallway looking at my classes on this paper they gave me till I ran into something/someone.
I looked up and saw the person I randomly ran into.
He was tall blond haired and blue eyed and wore a red hoodie.
(Yes I finally said hoodie hush.)
He looked down at me surprised or shocked I ran into him.
I handed him his book that landed in my arms.
Your new here aren't you?
Yeah I said smiling weekly only because I am still afraid of what he might do to me.
Ok let me see pass for ur classes.
I handed my pass to him he got out his pass and compared them.
He smiled.
Great we have all the same classes excepted 8th period.
For 8th period u have to go to the lunch room for study hall.
Here is your locker and my locker is over here so if you need anything just let me know.
So just put ur stuff in your locker except for your pencil.
Follow me.
As I was following him I realized that he had a hearing aide ,omg he is deff?
Wow I would have never noticed he had that till now.
When we got in the class he sat next to me.
Oh yeah sorry I forgot to introduce my self I'm Zachary but I go by Zach.
I'm Emily but I go by Boo.
Well nice to meet you Boo.
Same 2u Zach.
When the teacher came in she looked like surprised because we were early.
Once every one came in 2 girls were sitting next to me one just shorter than me and the other about as tall as my shoulder.
The one that is about as tall as me is Rebecca but she goes by Becca.
The one almost shoulder size is Gracie we will be best friends us 3 together.
When Zach stood up to tell us his name everyone just stared at him.
After that class is lunch.
I followed everyone one else till I got picked up I turned my head around.
Wait I know this kid, yeah he is my friend.
It took me a minute to remember his name.
He put me down ,wow it took you that long to realize it was me?
Pushhhh noooooo.
Ok Maybe.
Ok well let's go to lunch.
Wait u go to school here 2.
Yeah duh, I'm just in the next grade up lol.
Wait they let us mix grades?
Yeah only for lunch lol.
Oh okay.
So have u talked 2 Austin since he left?
Nope not really no affiance do not tell him but I forgot about the fact he was gone lol.
Well he is a lunch right now.
When we got to the lunch room Robert went to Austin's table omg Zach was sitting there 2 Huh lol.
I ducked down and went and sat down next to Becca and Gracie.
Hey chick..
What's up boo Gracie said.
Hey and nothing much
I pulled out my phone and I unlocked the screen I saw I had a text.
Why don't u come over here and sit with us?
Me:nope sorry baby I'm sitting with my new friends.
Me: oh you big baby.
I saw Robert and Boo come in next thing I knew Robert was sitting next to me with Zach ,Tyler,and Alex.
Zach was going on and on about this girl that was almost as tall as him and this new shy-ish girl that was named Emily.
Wait Emily I remember this name but I can't place the face.
I texted Boo asking if she wanted to come sit with us but she said no.
I told the guys to move over here with me .
They griped but came lol.
When we got to the table Zach popped down next to Boo and said "hey emily".
Wait Zach was talking about boo,why was he talking about my girlfriend?!
"Yeah I get jealous over a beautiful girl wouldn't u be jelly if someone was flirting with ur Bae?"
*Boos POV*
Zach plopped down right next to me and said "hey Emily".
For real he said my real name ugh.
Austin looked at me with pleading eyes.
"Hi Zachary ."
I looked at Robert he just smiled .
Hi Austin I got up and went up to him.
I stranded on my tiptoes and wrapped my arms around his neck and looked into his eyes.
Yes his beautiful eyes.
I smiled then smirked and went and sat down.
"Pretty sure everyone around us was watching (good he is mine)."
I turned to Becca she just smiled really big.
I got taped on my shoulder and I turned around and my lips smashed into Austin's.
Awesome haha.
Thank gosh no teacher saw us.
Sorry I don't like to get into trouble.
I turned back around and put my left hand and put it on my forehead to hide my face a little.
I was playing on my phone.
I looked up from my phone Austin had a great big ole grin on his face.
What Austin?
Ok so did u notice were the only ones in here?
I looked around no one was in here.
What the heck? We're is everyone.
They went on a field trip the hole school so yeah.
This school is weird.
Yeah but is the best lol.
So, what r we going to do?
You wanna go to my house austin said.
Wait were aloud to leave.
Well u ether go on a field trip with them or u can leave its a half day of many.
Wow school is WIERD here lol.

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