Chapter 13- you're a bit off a loner!

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Today I am leaving with Harry and the boys on their tour. To say i am excited is a understatement. We are taking an aeroplane to America, seeing as that is where they are touring.

I have been keeping away from them so i don't get pictured with them again, so i am on the plane on first class waiting for the boys to come on.

" Hey there Beautiful"

I turned my head to see Harry Sitting down in the seat next to me; I smiled from ear to ear. I still can't believe that he is my boyfriend, sometimes I think I'm dreaming, but then i don't pinch myself because i don't want to wake up.

I leaned my head on his shoulder and whispered.

" I never thought i could be this happy, Thank you Harry"

He kissed my head and answered.

" I will do anything to make you happy, Babe your my world"

He started singing to me and i could feel my eyes closing until finally i drifted off into a deep sleep.


" Ally.....Ally wake up, were here"

I woke up to the sound of someone calling my name, i slowly opened my eyes to see Harry infront of me. I gently pushed him and said.

" I want to sleep!"

I heard him laugh before i felt him pulling me up by the hand, he started pulling me off the plane. We were almost to the exit when he let go off my hand and picked up his pace.

Okay that was weird, I got out of the plane and walked next to Niall and said.

" Whats his problem, he just flew off"

He just shrugged his shoulders, maybe i should just drop it, its probably nothing, me just thinking about it, is probably making it worse.

I followed Niall onto their tour bus, luckily there is no fans around.

I walked in and stood their awkwardly, they all know where everything is and i am just like a new girl starting school in the middle of a term.

I pulled out my phone and pretended to text someone, and still none of the boys said anything.

I walked down the tour bus and quietly said to myself.

" Yea its fine, i know where to go!"

I shook my head and walked to bunks then stopped in my tracks. Which is mine, i really did not think this through.

"Liam which bunk is mine?"

I shouted out to him.

" Uhh the top one's are free, so one of them."

I said thanks before climbing to the top one and getting under the blankets, i wasn't really tired but it looks as though there is nothing else to do.

I pulled out my phone and put earphones in and started listening to ed sheeren, he always relaxes me.

I turned to face the wall and closed my eyes taking in his magical voice.

I was in my own world until i felt someone lay down next to me, i turned around to find Harry laying down staring at me, i smirked and said.

" What?"

He smiled at me and whispered.

" You know you're a bit off a loner!"

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