Chapter 26

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*Vivianes POV*

Ricky and I caught up on the recent events and we quickly saw that we almost were home again. I opened the door and saw that everyone was up and they were sitting on the couch in the living room. 

The guys from New Years Day already left and it was just my boys, Hannah and the guys from Kuza. I gave everyone a normal coffe and we settled down and talked a bit. 

I didn't even got to finish my coffee as Chris said that they have to talk to me about something. We walked into the kitchen and Chris looked at me with a pained expression on his face. 

"Viviane...." He breathed out and I looked at him confused. "We have to leave for another tour in two weeks!" 

I was a little shocked but I knew that they eventually had to leave me for a bit of time. I mean my dad is a famous bass player. 

"You'll be living with Hannah for that time, and you don't seem sad or shocked, is everything ok?" He asked me and I nodded. I was just a little sad. 

"I am ok, it's just that I still don't have a school and stuff!" I sighed and he said:" Well Devin and I got that. You'll be going to a local high school here!" I shighed again and he hugged me. 

We walked back and I talked to Hannah that I would be staying at Chris and her house and everything, we talked about what I would do in my free time and that I shouldn't smoke too much. 

I honestly didn't knew what I should do. I was so afraid that anything could go wrong. I could get depressed again. 

I should stop worrying so much. 

*the next week and first school day*

Ghost woke me up with a very unpleasant wet cloth to the face. I screeched and he laughed. That asshole. 

I got up, showered and did my make up and hair shit. Ghost drove me to school and I walked inside. There was a older women sitting on a desk in the office and I walked up to her. She smiled at me and said:" You must be Viviane! Here's your shedule. You have english in the first period just down the hall!" 

I thanked her and walked to my english class. I was a little late so the teacher already started the lesson and I just walked in. 

They all gave me really weird looks because I had my Demonia boots on and my favorite Killstar shirt. 

The teacher looked at me and said:" and you are?" He's probably the nicest person ever. That's why I hate going to school, I mutate into a sarcastic bitch. 

"I'm Viviane, I'm new!" I scoffed and he motioned for me to take a seat. I walked in the back to the only free seat. I sat next to a boy who looked like the bad boy of this school. 

I chuckled at the memories but I was really good at fighting with bad boys. He looked at me and started talking:" Hey, I'm Christian!" 

"Viviane!" I said without even looking at him. We talked a little bit and he showed me where I had my next class. 

I know this type of guy. They are really nice and after they fucked you, they leave you. I never experienced it myself but I saw them doing that to many girls. 

I would just use him for my advantage. I'm a real bitch in school. I could use some good sex after all

He even asked me for my phone number, I gladly gave him my phone number. 

After school Devin said he would pick me up so I waited for him. And waited, and waited. After twenty minutes I sighed and kicked a rock on the road. 

It fucking started raining. 

The time I reached our house, I was completely soaked and fuming. Devin just left me hanging here. 

I opened the front door to hear moans from the living room. I didn't even bother to walk more I just turned around and walked outside again. Through the rain and then I knocked on Angelos door. I hoped that he would have a towel for me. 

He opened the door and smiled at me:" How can I help you Miss?" I smiled back.

"Devin forgot to pick me up after school and then it started raining and I'm freezing." I quickly said and he opened the door a little bit wider to let me in. 

I quickly walked inside and embraced the warmth of his house. 

A/N Hey guys. Sorry that I took so long to update I just couldn't come up with a good idea for this chapter so I hope you're not too dissapointed with this chapter. I love you guys and thanks for sticking with me through this story, but sadly this will come to an end soon. I don't know how soon but prepare for it. 

~Miss Faceless




Thank you

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