Chapter 15

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*Angelo's POV*

I never really talked to Viviane but she seemed really cool. 

"What's on your mind, Ange?" Balz approaoched me. I nodded and smiled at him. 

"I was just thinking of Viviane, and all the stuff that happened since she's here. But do you think that Ryan likes her?" Almost everyone in the band, thought that Viviane and Ryan would be the perfect couple.

But they won't notice that the other one is madly in love with the other. It's pretty cute to watch them flirt. 

"Angelo?" I heard a high pitched voice screeche, Gosh I don't need that cunt right now. 

"Natalie?" I screeched back and Josh snickered beneath me. She walked into the back and fake pouted at me. "Where's Ricky? He said he would go and get me something from Taco Bell." She asked me. I hated her voice more than I hated anything else in the world.

Josh spoke up from behind me:" He's probably not here if he said that he'll get you some taco bell." I grinned at his words. 

She glared at him and walked out of the back and Josh started talking:" I don't know what is wrong with her, she hates Viviane even if she don't know her. And her and Ryan would be the perfect couple. But I think I would be a bit jealous." He smiled and I looked at him. 

Is everyone in this fucking band in love with Devins daughter?! 

He laughed and said:" I don't want to loose one of my best friends!" 

"Aww and I'm not one of your best friends?" I asked fake hurt and I placed a hand over my chest. 

"No you're not, you're my bae!" He laughed and winked at me. (A/N comment some shipnames for Balz and Ange xD) 

I laughed and he did too. 

*Ricky's POV*

I was getting some food for my girlfriend right now, I don't know what happened but she changed so much lately. 

I loved her from the first moment on but that feeling is slowly starting to fade, she just wants sex, she always wants me to do every shit she wants. I hate it.

I want to end it but I don't know how. I'm gonna talk to Chris about it. 

"Ricky?" Someone asked me from behind me. Oh great another Fan, it's not that I don't like our fans but sometimes they're really annoying and I am not really in the mood to give autographs and stuff right now. 

I turned around and Viviane was standing behind me. And she was... Crying. 

"What happened Viviane?" I asked her and she started telling me about Devins wonderful girlfriend. We all don't really liked her. She is a Bandwhore.

A/N Sorry guys another shitty chapter. It's 12.35am right now in Germany and I'm watching The Walking Dead. This is just a filler so please don't be dissapointed with me right now... 
Still love you shadows <3

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