Chapter 10

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*Ricky's POV*

I heard someone sobbing in the bathroom. I wanted to check but my girlfriends annoying voice cut me off.

"Ricky? Where you going?" She asked me.

"To the bathroom!" I said. Gosh she annoyed me.

"But the slut is in there!" She screeched.

"Calm down, she's not a slut. She seems like a nice girl." I said calmly.

She pouted and said:" Do you love her now?"

I wanted to slap her right across the face but "no she's a woman you can't do that!"

"No babe I only love you!" I said and kissed her.

I didn't care about the bathroom anymore and climbed into my bunk with my girlfriend.

"Oh Ricky I love you so much!" She grinned and I knew she wants sex.

I wasn't in the right mood for it but hey she's my girlfriend and I would do anything to make her happy.

*Viviane's POV*

I sat on the bathroom floor sobbing like a baby. Suddenly I felt the urge. The urge to cut.

No one should find out so I just scratched at the scabs of my older wounds.

It obviously started bleeding again. But it started bleeding like crazy.

I held some toilet paper against the wound to stop the bleeding but in seconds the toilet paper was stained in blood.

"Fuck this hatefuck!" I mumbled to myself and searched for a bandage.

I finally found one and I started feeling light headed. I knew this feeling from my suicidal attempts and I knew I have to act quickly if I didn't want to black out.

I cleaned myself up, pulled the sleeves down and walked in the front.

Everyone stared at me and I just looked at them. I was confused.

"Uhh what's up guys?" I asked nervously.

Ryan patted on his lap and I walked over to him and Balz but I sat in the middle of them.

We chatted a bit when I started feeling even more light headed. Fuck.

Now I felt warm liquid seeping through my clothes. I pressed my hand against my arm and hoped no one would notice.

Balz started at me and as I looked at my hands I saw that they were bloody.





What am I going to do?

Soon everyone was staring at my hands and I didn't feel anything anymore.

"Breathe Viviane breathe!" I reminded myself in my head.

I stud up and wanted to walk to the bathroom but I fell on the floor.

I heard Chris yell:" drive to a hospital! NOW!"

Ghost was holding my hand.

My head was in Ryan's lap.

Balz held my other hand.

Angelo ran around and searched for something to stop the bleeding.

And Chris helped Angelo.

"I'm fine guys, no need to worry!" I said, my voice was weak and I started coughing at the end.

"Oh gosh Viviane stop lying we know that you're not fine! If you were you would not lie on the floor with bloody hands!" Devin said and I chuckled slightly.

I tried to stand up but Ryan held me and said:" you're not going anywhere!"

We arrived at a hospital and they carried me inside.

That's the last thing I remember before I blacked out.

*Ryan's POV*

I carried her, bridal style, inside the hospital. It probably looked really strange.

Devin yelled for a doctor and soon someone arrived. They took her from me and laid her on a stretcher and carried her away.

A nurse walked up to us and asked:" are you family?"

Devin nodded and said:"Yes I'm her father!"

She took him with her for some questions and we had to wait in the waiting room.

God I hate hospitals. Especially waiting rooms. It's like you have to wait for someone to tell if everything is ok or the worst and your mind is playing with you, because you always have the worst images in your head.

Devin came out and said:" She's ok, she just lost blood, but she'll be fine. She's in a room we can see her if we want to!"

I jumped out of the chair and walked next to Devin and all the other behind us.

He leaded us into a white room were she was, she laid on the bed.

She looked like an angel. We all took chairs and sat at her bed. I wanted to be there when she waked up so badly.

"Uhh guys where the fucks ricky?" Angelo said and I laughed.

I chuckled darkly and said:" Probably fucking the cunt!" I used Viviane's favorite word for Natalie.

I felt someone squeeze my hand and I jumped. Not in surprise it just scared the living hell out of me.

Now I saw it was Viviane. She smiled and opened her eyes. But then she groaned and I ran and switched off the lights.

It was almost completely dark outside and inside here too.

"Guys? What happened?" She said. Her voice sounded so weak, I just want to protect her from anything bad that happens.

"I'll tell you later!" I said quickly.

Chris stud up and have her a kiss on the forehead. He grabbed Balz and Ange and said:" we'll be on the bus if you need us!" He smiled.

Ghost and I nodded.

Devin went out and got us some coffee, so it was just me and Viviane.

This is going to be interesting...

A/N I tried to make this chapter a bit longer... Hope you like it ♡♡

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