Chapter Thirty Seven

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Glimmers head hurt like crazy. After each breath she too , flashes of memories whizzed around her head. Glimmer clutched her head in agony. She would NOT relive her most painful moments. She would NOT relive her forgotten memories. A tiny piece of Glimmer was curious though. Before she could regret it she dived in.

𝒢𝓁𝒾𝓂𝑒𝓇𝓈 𝓂𝑒𝓂𝑜𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓈

"Mom? I'm scared, don't go!" Said younger Glimmer. "Don't be, my Jewel. Glimmer shook as tears spilled out of her eye's. 

Next memory...

"We've hid her for too long." Said the woman. "Its forbidden that we reveal her." Said the man. Glimmers eyebrows furrowed. "my jewel, come. Sit." Said the woman. Glimmer sat down on the women's lap. The woman ran her hands through Glimmers hair and stared at the man. Her eye's shown with fear. 

Next memory...

A twelve year old Glimmer was waking up. "What?" She mumbled. Glimmer looked up and saw a boy, around sixteen. "Who? Where?" Glimmer muttered. "I'm Alvar." Said the boy. "Are you ok?" He asked when Glimmer groaned and rubbed her temples. "I- I can't remember." She said. "What? What can't you remember?" Asked Alvar. Glimmer looked him in the eye. "Everything."

Next memory...

"The Neverseen is changing the world? You want me to join?" Asked Glimmer. "Young one, you are perfect. Glimmer flushed. "The Neverseen is more than changing the world. We are re-inventing the world." Said Lady Gisela. Glimmers insides twisted. She didn't want to hurt anyone... but she had nobody. Maybe if she stayed longer she's find her parents.

Next memory...

"Where are we going?" Asked a sixteen year old Glimmer. A  twenty year old Alvar laughed. (I know this is child and adult but right now not in the memories Glimmer is eighteen so just kinda pretend that this isn't kinda gross) "Just follow me!" Glimmer was grinning, happier than she'd been in a while. Alvar stopped. They stood next to each other, in front of the roaring ocean. "Wow." Glimmer breathed. Alvar reached for her hand and Glimmer stopped breathing. A tiny smile crept onto her face. She was....


A/N: I am SO sorry for not updating in a while. Enjoy!!!

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