Chapter 1

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Note & Disclaimer: Not mine, just playing with some beloved characters. Also, Anakin was pulled aside by Palpatine so Obi-Wan is the Jedi speaking to her. Anakin is not in the room in this scene.

She was facing them as they stood in a crescent around her. The silence weighed heavily down on her and she could tell they wanted her to speak first, but she wouldn't. If they have anything to say to her, they should go ahead.

Her teachings reminded her that's not the mentality of a Jedi. She should let go her anger.

Well, she thought, the Council's actions made it clear I am not a Jedi.

Finally, Master Obi-Wan began. "I am so sorry," he paused. "About everything." The look of regret and anguish on his face was evident, and it tugged at her heart.

Yet, all she could bother responding with was a nod.

Master Plo soon followed him. "You have our most humble apologies, little 'Soka."

Honestly, that just made it worst, his name for her only making it more painful as it showed how deep his betrayal went.

"The Council was wrong to accuse you," he continued.

Master Tiin went third. "You have shown such great strength and resilience in your struggle to prove your innocence."

Ahsoka felt numb at their apologies. They obviously were doing this just so they could clear their minds of the guilt. She wouldn't make it any easier for them.

"This is the true sign of a Jedi Knight," Master Mundi went on. In another life. In a previous time that really wasn't that long ago, though it had felt like ages, she would have been beyond ecstatic to hear what he was saying.

Right now, though, she couldn't give two bantha ticks about it.

Next was Master Windu. "This was actually your great trial. Now we see that."

She couldn't kriffing believe it.

"We understand that the Force works in mysterious ways," She couldn't help it. Didn't care enough to help it. Crossing her arms, she stared at him in disbelief. "And because of this trial, you have become a greater Jedi than you would have otherwise."

She finally understood why her Mas- Anakin hated Windu so much.

But then Master Yoda was speaking, and as much as she wanted to start accusing them of the hypocritical load of poodoo they were shoving out, she couldn't help but listen to the wise old creature.

"Back into the Order you may come."

Her heart felt like it was being torn to shreds by a Loth-wolf.

She knew what she had to do.

Master Obi-Wan began again. "They're asking you back, Ahsoka. I'm asking you back."

He was starting to sound like Anakin, wearing his heart on his sleeve like that and that observation only hurt more now that she knew she couldn't come back.

Wouldn't come back.

She stared at him. Those green-blue eyes staring back at her, eyes she had seen so full of compassion and wisdom in previous times, but now only full of guilt and hope.

A hope she knew she was going to crush.

He may not have been her official Master, but he was the water to Anakin's fire that had always balanced her.

Looking between his outstretched hand – the hand that held her sacred and beloved Padawan beads – and his face, she could feel her eyes beginning to water.

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