Chapter 8

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Note: Definitely not my favorite chapter, but the lovely angst I'm brainstorming for next chapter should make up for it. 

Rex knew it had been a bad idea for Ahsoka to bring him along. The looks he was getting as he walked behind her towards the Senator's apartment set him on edge.

But, maybe, the looks were at Ahsoka?

Which didn't help, so he decided it was him who was the problem.

They hadn't really talked a lot during their taxi trip, but he was okay with that. Being quiet was rarely a problem for him as it allowed him to observe his surroundings better.

In this case, his surroundings consisted of a perplexing sienna coloured woman. She was his CO, but she also said she was his friend. Who, recently, liked to sleep next to him.

That left Rex rather unsure as to how he was supposed to deal with her tense silence. If he treated her like he would the vod when they were being di'kuts, he really wasn't sure how she'd respond.

If he treated her like she was a Commander – a normal one, at least – then he'd be doing an injustice to their new, verbally established friendship.

That left him at an uncharted crossroad.


"Yes, sir?"

"I can feel you gnawing on something. I'm here if you'd like to share."

He felt himself blush under his bucket but steeled himself. Now or never, solider.

"Ahsoka, you're my Commander. But you also said that we're friends. So, when I need to say something that I know you don't want to hear, but, as your friend, I feel like I should say, I'm not sure what I should do."

Rex spoke plainly, which was one of the traits she liked most about him. However, she was exasperated about his uncertainty. But she swiftly reminded herself he had been engineered to follow orders. That mentality didn't just disappear overnight.

Patience, my very young Padawan.

"I'd rather you say what was on your mind than keep it to yourself, Rex. There will never be a situation in our personal conversations where what you say will have to deal with consequences regarding your status as a solider."

Though she was not certain that she wanted to hear what had brought this question about as it was likely about their earlier conversation.

He didn't respond, but she could feel him mulling over her answer. As they entered the doors of the first floor of building, a female Twi'lek woman greeted them from the desk and they walked over.

Rich purple skin with a professional black head covering, she looked at them warily.

Yes, thank you, ma'am. It's not like I'm not already well aware I don't fit this setting.

Ahsoka ignored the look and stated confidentially, "Senator Amidala is expecting us." She wished it was the same woman from last night when her and Master Obi-Wan arrived. Maybe then they wouldn't have to deal with this.

Her suspiciousness only grew and Ahsoka fought the urge to roll her eyes. Rex didn't. It wasn't like she could see him anyways.

"Give me just a moment to confirm with Captain Typho." She clearly expected him to assure her that they were lying.

Ahsoka nodded and waited politely.

When surprise splashed across her face, the Togruta bit back a smirk.

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