Chapter 17

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Note: Sorry for taking so long to update. Finals are finally done now which is lovely. Not my favorite chapter, but I don't think it's too bad. I really am quite excited for the next chapter though. 

The rest of their journey to the Nabooian residence was uneventful, a restored harmony between the two after the previous... misunderstanding.

Ahsoka didn't fully understand why it was Rex that was always able to quell the storm raging within her.

No one had ever managed to ground her as he did, even before she left the Order.

He was her rock, teaching, protecting, and trusting her to have his back in a way none of her Masters ever had. When she was in doubt, he covered for her. When she was over-confident, he forgave her.

And when they were both mortified by the circumstances life threw at them, he laughed with her.

Now, however, he was quietly following behind her as they entered the hushed lobby. Ahsoka gritted her teeth as a small twinge of pain ran through her nerves and up her side.

At least we're here now.

It was the same deep purple Twi'lek woman from their last visit who greeted them, noticeably friendlier in her welcome.

"Commander Tano, Captain Rex," she said, dipping her head while she rose behind a desk. "Senator Amidala has instructed me to give you this package. Your security card is within. Use it for the turbolift and when entering your new flat. Captain Rex's card is there as well," she finished, observing the two, waiting for confirmation that all was in order.

However, one look at their perplexed expressions, she frowned, concerned. "Is something the matter, Commander?"

Glancing at Rex, who appeared as similarly confused as she was, Ahsoka cocked her head. "Captain Rex has a card to my quarters?"

Their attendant nodded obediently. "Yes, Commander. Senator Amidala specifically added his name to the list of people who have direct access." She paused, tone suddenly growing fretful. "He is Captain Rex, CT-7567 of the 501st, correct?"

Well Padme certainly debriefed her thoroughly.

Or maybe it's just her job to know.

Rex looked at Ahsoka, but she could only shrug.

Scratching the back of his neck, Rex spoke sheepishly. "Ah, yeah, that's me."

Ahsoka snorted.

He could be so painfully awkward sometimes it was adorable.

The Twi'lek's attention volleyed between them, no less puzzled then when they first began. "So..." she began hesitantly. "Is there a problem?"

Glancing to Rex, then to the package laying on the counter for her to accept, Ahsoka eventually shook her head. "No, miss..." She trailed off, waiting.

"Luzi," she provided.

"Ms. Luzi. There's nothing wrong, just a misunderstanding. Thank you for your assistance."

As it was not her job to question, the violet woman smiled understandingly – though Ahsoka was sure she hadn't the slightest clue as to what was happening.

"Of course, Commander."

Starting towards the turbolifts, Rex in tow, she pulled the sturdy, plastoid like card out to swipe against a scanner.

Neither of them spoke till the doors glided shut, Ahsoka digging to find her Captain's card amidst the rest of the datachips in the folder.

"So – er – you know why the Senator put my name on the list?"

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