Chapter 4

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When I arrived at school the next morning I turned left and entered the parking lot. I pulled into a parking spot I turned off the A/C and killed the engine I removed my seat belt I grabbed my purse and climbed out of my car and closed the door. I locked the doors on the remote and turned the alarm on I spotted Kylie and Shelly walking towards me. 

"Are you okay?" 

"I'm fine," 

"We know you're lying let's go talk in my car." Kylie said. 

Shelly and I followed Kylie to her car she unlocked the doors we climbed inside her 2018 Volvo S60. 

"Tell us what's wrong." 

"Shelly's mom told my parents how I wonder why they bothered to have me since all they care about is Jessica." 

"What did your parents say?" the girls asked. 

"The reason they love and care so much about Jessica is because she was planned, I was a surprise so because my parents didn't use a condom my mother got pregnant with me." I explained. 

Kylie and Shelly just shook their heads in disbelief. 

"Then I told my parents that I could never treat my children like that my mother told me that no one wants me." 

"So what is your mother trying to say that no guy would marry you?!" 

"Pretty much yes." I replied. 

"That's not true and your parents are full of shit!" Kylie shouted. 

The girls and I climbed out of the car and entered the building we made our way to our first period class. I entered Mrs. Weber's classroom I walked over to my desk I pulled out my chair and sat down Edward entered the room he walked over to me and sat at the empty desk beside me greeted me with a warm smile. 

"Selina are you okay?" 

"I'm fine." 

"Selina, can I talk to you in the hall?" Mrs. Weber asked. 

I scooted my chair back and rose from my desk I followed Mrs. Weber out into the hall. 

"Follow me," 

I followed Mrs. Weber into the teacher's lounge the door closed behind us. 

"Selina is everything okay?" Mrs. Weber asked worried. 

"No, I'm having problems at home I found out yesterday that I was an accident and my parents keep telling me that I need to go to law school." I explained. 

"Your parents shouldn't fault you because they had an unplanned pregnancy and your parents should let you choose what you want to do with your life." 

"I don't want to be a lawyer I want to work for a gothic magazine." 

"I believe you have what it takes to make your dream come true." She said. 

"Thank you, Mrs. Weber for believing in me the only ones that believe in me are Kylie, Shelly, and their families." I replied. 

Mrs. Weber and I left the teacher's lounge and returned to the classroom I returned to my desk and sat down. 

"If you need someone to talk too, I'll listen." Edward offered. 

"I am having issues at home I found out that I was an accident my parents don't love or care about me. And my parents want me to go to law school after I graduate." I said. 

"That's really messed up I could never treat my children like that one day even if one of them weren't planned I would still love and care about them. I would also support my children's dreams." 

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