Chapter 8

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The following evening, I was finishing getting ready for my date with Edward when I was finished getting ready, I grabbed my purse and left my room. I walked downstairs my father is sitting on the couch watching TV. 

"Where are you going?" my father asked. 

"I'm waiting for Edward to come get me for our date." I answered. 

"He's not good enough for you, you should date a nice single lawyer." 

"I am not dating a snobby lawyer besides Edward hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend and another thing he is good enough for me. You don't think so because Edward is down to earth and not a lawyer money isn't everything." 

A few minutes later I saw Edward parking the SUV, I opened the storm door and left the house I walked down the front steps. I made my way towards Edward's SUV; I opened the passenger side door I climbed inside the SUV and closed the door. I put on my seat belt I noticed my father is standing in the doorway Edward drove away. 

"What was that about?" Edward asked, stopping at a stop sign before continuing to drive. 

"My father says that you are not good enough for me that I should date a lawyer instead. We're not even dating you haven't asked me to be your girlfriend." I explained. 

"Why do you like me?" 

"I like you because you are down to earth and not snobby or stuck up."

When we arrived at the restaurant Edward parked in front of the restaurant, he turned off the A/C and killed the engine. We removed our seat belts and climbed out of the SUV, I walked up the front step and opened the door I walked inside with Edward following behind me. We were greeted by the host he led us to a table set for two Edward pulled out my chair and held it I sat down at the table he sat across from me. 

"I can't believe you brought me to Annabel Lee's Tavern for our first date!" I exclaimed. 

"Two little birds told me that you are a fan of Poe." Edward said. 

"I'll have to thank the two little birds." 

We glanced at our menus a few minutes later a waitress walked over to our table and greeted us she took our food and drink orders. Edward and I handed our menus back to the waitress she walked away. 

"Will your parents kick you out?" Edward asked worried. 

"Honestly I don't know." I stated matter of factly. 

"If your parents kick you out you can stay with my family." 

"I don't want to be a burden." 

"You won't be a burden my parents care about you." He replied. 

The waitress returned with our drinks and walked away I took a sip of my coke. 

"My parents don't care about me they didn't show up for my graduation yesterday they were too busy caring about my older sister Jessica's wedding." 

"That explains why Kylie and Shelly's families supported you yesterday." 

"My parents never attended any of my graduations." I sighed. 

A few seconds later the waitress returned with our meals she placed our plates in front of us and walked away. Edward and I dug into our meals it felt nice to be away from my parents for a while. After we were done eating our meal and ate dessert Edward paid the check, we left Annabel Lee's Tavern. Edward and I climbed back into the SUV we put on our seat belts he started the engine and turned on the A/C and drove away. 

"Thank you for the lovely first date." 

"You're more than welcome there will be more dates to come." 

When we arrived at my house Edward parked behind my car, I removed my seat belt and grabbed my purse. 

"Be safe driving home." I said. 

"I will," He smiled. 

I climbed out of the SUV and walked up the front steps I opened the storm door and walked inside the house. I locked the door behind me and watched Edward drive away I closed the front door and locked it I turned around and saw my father sitting on the couch. 

"If I ever see you with that Hale boy again you can find somewhere else to live." 

"Dad why do you care who I date since you and mom never gave a shit about me all this time so why bother about me now!" 

"Your mother and I have noticed that you are crying out for help." my father explained. 

"I am not crying out for help I've always been a rebel and dressed in black. If you think I am crying out for help because I went out on a date with Edward, you're crazy because I am not crying out for help." I stated. 

I walked upstairs and changed out of my dress I put on my sleep shorts and tank top I spent the rest of the night in my room. 

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