Chapter Seven

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Want to hang out after school?

I read the note Chase passed me during class. It was neater than I thought it would be considering that he is a guy. But how was I to know what his hand writing would look like? And why do I even care?

Sure. I have nothing better to do. Can Tifanny come with?

I passed the note back and I watched as Chase read it. He scrunched his eyebrows together as he quickly wrote a response on the paper and passes it back to me.


With that the conversation was over and I spent the last few minutes of class actually paying attention to the lesson. Not that it mattered to me. I had gone ahead since I had nothing better to do at home when I wasn't out partying every time Eric wanted me to go out with him. And the homework given to me I hadn't found difficult so why the hell not? For me this class was mostly review. But it's not like I'm asking for a detention for not paying attention and it's not that I want to slack off but there's nothing for me to learn in this class right now.

I look at the board and managed not to fall asleep and still keep my face the emotion of a study hard student. It wasn't as easy as I thought it would be since the teachers voice was so boring it was putting most of the class asleep. This didn't last long since the bell rung making everyone jolt awake.

Everyone picked up their stuff and walked out of the classroom like zombies. I don't blame them. It is the end of the day. I barley have any energy left. But once the bell rung I started thinking about what Chase has planned to do after school.

He has been Tifanny and I's friend for two weeks now and we have become pretty close but not so much that we know Chase that well. He seems to be an open book but sometimes he acts a little detached. I've always wondered why.

But he was always up for a night out to do anything and I guess today is one of these days.

I walk to my locker at a steady pace to find that Tifanny is already there. When she sees me she gives me a hug and immediately greets me. "Hey, Dan."

"Hey. Are you coming with Chase and I after school?" She gives me an apologetic smiles and shakes her had no.

"My mom wants to go do some mother-daughter bonding time. Weird I know but I can't ditch it so you'll have to spend your time without me."

"Its OK. Chase and I can think of something to do when you're not around." She gives me a hug and walks away. Well there goes the plan of the three amigos hanging out.

I put my stuff in my locker and then shut the door when I'm done. I turn around to walk to the parking lot to meet with Chase to see that he's already there.

"Wow were you waiting there for me?" He gives me nod and we start walking together to leave the building. Outside of school there are only a few cars left and Chase takes out the keys from his pocket once we get to his car.

"You didn't have to do that."

"But I did. So just be grateful." I give him a smile which he returns and we both got inside his car. Its warm inside and Its so quiet. I don't the quiet so I turn on the radio and flip through stations until I find one that I like.

"Where are we going? You never really told me." I buckle my seat belt and so does he.

"Its a surprise." I chuckle.

"We're not going on a date or anything, you can tell me." He pretends to zip his lips and throws the key away before he starts driving. I cross my arms and huff. "At least give me a hint." He shakes his head and I sigh. He's not giving up.

I Don't Eat CupCakes (wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now