Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"Remember when I told you I wanted to change my last name?"

"Mhm." I say as I shove a sweater and jeans in my suitcase.

"I seriously want it to happen."

"What's the reason this time?" I ask, knowing her father did something she dislikes.

"He just annoys me so much now. He wants to know how my school work is and he wants me to talk to him and respect him because he's my father. As if. He's barely ever home. There's no way I'm doing what he says. Plus," she adds on "I told him about the trip to New York because I didn't exactly ask him about going and he said no. He all of a sudden wants to act like a father now that he's home."

"I know leaving you and your mother was wrong on his part but he's your father and maybe you don't see it but he loves you. So give him a chance. I know for sure I would like a second chance with my father even if it were just to hang out with him for one day."

"Ugh, fine. Just for you." She lays down on my bed and her head hangs upside down from the edge.

"What are you doing?"

"I don't know I'm bored."

"You're supposed to help me pack for my trip to New York that you and Chase planed and your dad is upset about."

"Ugh, ok." She gets up and helps me pack.

Our trip to New York is 5 hours away.

Our trip to New York is going to take us three nights. And Ashley is tagging along because I invited her last minute. I didn't want Tifanny to be the third wheel.

Our trip is going to take three days because we are going to drive there. And we'll stop at motels for each night. They say it's because they want to record our travel from California to New York but I think it's to save money. Plane tickets are expensive nowadays. And I think it would be nice to be on the road with my friends and not on a plane. I mean it's not bumpy but it sure as hell feels like it and it scares the literal crap out of me.

"Have you got all your bags?" my mom asks me with tears in her eyes.
"Yes. mom. You don't need to worry."
"But I'm your mother."

"I know. And I love you. See you in a week." And I kiss her cheek.

On the road it's hot and I'm excited and also tired. Chase has been driving for a little over two hours or so. I really have to pee.

"Can we stop at a gas station? I really really need to use the bathroom."

"We haven't even driven a quarter of what we need to drive."

"I know. I'm sorry my bladder can't hold it in anymore."

"Ok. Alright. We'll stop," Chase says beside me.


Another 40 minutes later and to my relief theirs a gas station with a clean bathroom. How crazy is that? I hop out of the car and practically run to the bathroom and do my business. A second longer I wouldn't have done my business in a toilet but on myself.

I wash my hands in the sink and splash my face with water.

"We have about 38 hours and a half to drive," Tifanny says from the door. I turn off the faucet and dry my hands with the paper towels then Tifanny and I join Chase and Ashley in the car.

"This is going to be a really long drive."

After another few hours of driving Chase parks the car at a motel parking lot and we all get out feeling exhausted.

I Don't Eat CupCakes (wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now