Chapter Five

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"Sometimes I wonder if we'll be alive at the end of this."

"I know baby girl, I know."

-Harlow, and Harden discussing their fate.

Via four years ago


I wonder when I'll feel alive again.

That was Harlow's every thought.

Every day that passes she feels less real, and more glass.

Like the broken shards that lay a foot away from her, each one splattered with a drop of crimson liquid, running down each piece, in a timeless stand still of red, and disbelief.

Leaving the gaping whole that once was her door, chilly winter air escaped into her once cozy house.

Her eyes clashed with the snowy evergreens, as she scanned for the body of a wolf, or dog, or whatever that was.

Even though she'd been standing there for a good twenty to forty minutes, her body was waiting for something.

Like no matter how strong the urge to go inside was, there was a bigger part of her that needed to stay and watch. Every breath puffing out of her lungs, and dissapating into smoke in front of her. The lonely air was enough to make her body want to curl up into a feeble and safe position. It spoke to her, through whatever words that it could, the trees whispered their part, and the snow's scratchy voice reached her ears, bitting the ends.

Telling her something she never wanted to her.

You will always be alone.


"How did this break again?"

The window repair man sat in disbelief, poking around at the shattered pieces littering the floor. He had a stained army green jumpsuit, with a ball cap laying backwards on his head, and a rusty red tool box sitting beside him.

He was pretty fucking stereotypical, in the way of looking like a repair man.

"I told you, I was keeping my friend's dog, and he freaked out over a squirrel, and ended up breaking it." Harlow answered, for the fifth time, lying straight through her teeth, she was standing across from the kneeling man.

Trying to figure out why it was taking so long, how hard is it to fix a damn window? She wondered.

"I just don't understand, this is thick glass, designed to last the long winters and insulate the house. How on earth could a dog break this?"

Oh for the love of-

Sending a staggering glare the man's way, Harlow wrapped her arms around her side, an annoyed sigh slipping out from her mouth. "Look.."

She began, words tumbling out past her lips, "if you can't fix it... then you need to get the fuck out."

Harlow had become ill tempered, with little to no sleep, and this going on, she wasn't in the best of moods to be playing around.

"N-no I can fix it, I just need time. Plus I'll have to go the shop, and take measurements-"

"Can you fix the damn thing today or not?" Obviously the repair man was incompetent, no matter how many times she asked, he couldn't seem to answer her simple question. It wasn't as if she was mumbling.

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