Chapter Fourteen

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A/N I have a book, it's called Anathema, it'd mean the world to me if you checked it out.

When they broke apart,

Louden was speechless, the woman in front of him, left him speechless.

Her hair was wet at the ends, she smelled of several things that teased his nose.

Shower gel, dryer sheets, and wolf.

So deep it was embedded in her skin.

Harlow was different, he could tell that much.

Her hair was at a shorter length, her skin had taken on a new tone, paler, sickly, and her eyes were no longer the bright cold color he remembered.

They were grey.

Harlow reached up, grasping his shirt collar, wrapping her slim fingers around the fabric and tugging him back to her mouth, eyes ablaze with something delirious.

He stopped himself from devouring her mouth again, and gently pried her hands from his collar, the look that graced the young changelings face was angered. Desperate even.

But that was the problem, she was no longer human, she was acting completely on instinct.

Louden shifted to his left, still keeping Harlow's fingers wrapped in a tight grip in his own hands.

Harlow let out a whimper at the loss of affection from the man in front of her.

The voice inside of her whimpered too.

It seemed the more she'd tried to stay away, the more she fought the voice, the more the voice fought back harder.

"Harlow." Louden growled in warning as her hands tugged on his shirt, harder this time.

She laughed, a light, and airy tinkle with a deep primal baritone.

Something that definitely awoke the instinct fighting to take control.

He knew that keeping a secret from her meant potentially ruining the trust they'd naturally built up.

But if he told her...

It'd just make things all too real.

But Louden couldn't keep her in the dark forever, she was noticing things, like how she was strong and fast, but not as strong or fast as his fellow pack members.

In fact he was almost positive she knew what she was- she just didn't say anything.

But the real secret, the one he couldn't bring himself to let slip past his lips.

That was what tore him to shreds.

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