Well i mean

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Third Person POV

It was quiet for a good minute until someone said something.
"So." Sero starts to say.
"So???" Responds Kaminari.
"So what's the meaning of... this?" He asked pointing to the uniform.
"I don't know what you mean by that." Kaminari responds with a huff at the end of the sentence.
"Cmon dude just answer the question." Kirishima says.
"Ugh fine. It's my new school's uniform that I wear. If that answers the question." He responds with.
"So it's true huh, that you're transferring schools. I thought this was a joke to make us feel worse than we already do for causing this." Mina says. While everyone but Bakugo nods in agreement.
"Why would this be a joke? It's like calling my walkout as a joke as well. It happens, you can't change the past. Gotta keep moving forward for yourself and your future." Kaminari responds proudly. Everyone remains quiet.
"Stay right here, imma call everyone to come down." Bakugo says leaving the table, then the store while pulling out his phone.
"WAIT NO. STOP. DUDE THIS ISNT FUNNY. STOP." Kaminari exclaims while being held down by the rest.
"Dude chill out. We need everyone here to talk about this." Sero tells him.
"Well, I mean I could theoretically go back to the dorms..." Kaminari says quietly. Everyone looks shocked. Sero leaves and tells Bakugo the plan who then proceeds to hang up the phone. As the walk out the restaurant they made sure Kaminari was ok with the plan.
"I mean, I need to grab my stuff from the room. But I don't plan to talk to anyone. I just wanna go in and out as quickly as possible. I just don't feel comfortable talking to them, hell if it wasn't for Bakugo I'd probably make a run for it." He says with a scared chuckle as he looks at Bakugo hands in pocket and all look at him with a dead stare.
"Tch. They're waiting in the living room, no way you'll be able to avoid them. AND ID KILL YOU IF YOU RAN AWAY BECAUSE SOY FACE WOULD TAPE YOU BEFORE YOU LEFT." He screams pointing to Sero who has his finger and index finger under his smug face nodding in agreement. Kaminari responds with a huff and puff while walking. Till they reach UA.

Kaminari POV

Wow, we're actually here huh. Geez I don't wanna be here. Wait I have an idea.
"Oh darn, I can't come in since I'm not a student. Man that true sucks. Well I'll try sometime la-" I get cutoff.
"Don't worry, you're still in the system. Plus when Jirou told me the plan, I made sure to meet up before you came." Mr. Aizawa says crossed armed. As we walk in he pulled me aside and asks me.
"You sure? I mean I get why you're here, and I get why you don't wanna be here." I just simply nod and tell him.
"I mean... there's no going back huh. I mean the License Exam is in 2 weeks. Might as well get it over not rather than later." He just nods and lets me go. The door then opens up, I start to breathe quickly and feel like hyperventilating. Until the squad told to me to breathe slowly to calm myself down. I walk in and see that everyone is sitting down, waiting for me. Even Mineta who probably was talked to by sensei to come back. I step another foot in and am greeted with apologies as well as confusion with the clothes I was wearing.
"Uhhh... hey everyone?" I say while looking at the ground. "I'm just here... to... ummm... take my stuff." I continue on. Not making eye contact. It was pretty quiet after that until.
"Kaminari-kun, if you don't mind me asking... what is with the attire you are currently wearing?" Iida says while motioning his hands in robot like fashion.
"Uh well, uh you see. I have kinda transferred to Shiketsu High." I say while I scratch my neck still looking at the ground. Then I hear everyone quietly speak in disbelief that I'd actually transfer. Just questions and sorry's under their breathes. And then all of a sudden I could hear is a fork fall on the ground and the words.
"So it wasn't a lie, you really decided that transferring was your only option?" An absolute beauty says out loud. "Is this because of me? Is it how I didn-"
"NO! It's not because of that specific moment, don't worry and don't say that out loud." I cut off Jirou.
"Then why did you leave?" Shoji asks me while he readjusted his mask.
"That's for me to know, and you guys to not worry about. I came here for my guitar as well as a few things so if you will kindly do so. Leave. Me. Alone." I say while walking upstairs and going to my room seeing how it's still a mess. I ignore it for now and head to my closet and grab my guitar. I walk downstairs and see everyone is still waiting for me. "Well, imma head out. It was interesting talking to you all." I say adjusting my guitar case around my back.
"Nu-uh, you're not leaving just yet." Sero says as he tapes up the door. "We need to talk. As a class." I just huff.
"I knew this was gonna happen. Fine. What did you plan on doing and or asking?"
"Hmm, I don't know. Maybe we can just relax as a class and play some games, eat junk food, talk about the events that have lead up to this moment in time, or maybe we can sing a little bit? I mean it is Friday so theoretically you could stay the weekend." Sero says as he scratched his head.
"Honestly I don't feel comfortable with almost any of tha-" I say then get cutoff.
"Please Kaminari-San let's just talk this over and have fun as a class just one last time. Who know what will happen pass all this into adulthood." Yaomomo says she says with a tear down her face with her hands clasp together.
I scratch my head, I don't like seeing anyone especially women have to beg to have fun or live their lives normally.
"Ok fine, I'll stay the weekend. I'll just text my parents that I'll shall stay here." I say as I pick up my phone and text my parents. I hear cheering after I set down my phone.
"So... what did you wanna do first?" I ask the class.
"Well, let's just talk this over as a class and anything you don't wanna speak on will be fine. Just speak with your heart in mind Kaminari-Kun." Midoriya tells me.

Authors note; so basically I'm monkee and have been caught up on work. And I have barley any free time, and on days off I just sleep the majority of the day. I'll drop double chapters either both Sunday/Monday. Or just one of them. And keep an eye on tomorrow I may drop a short one depending on motivation and time. Till then; stay safe and I love you all.

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