Last Day PT.2

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Kaminari POV

As I finish the yogurt I get up and throw it away, I walk to the fridge to get another one walking past Jiro and others while they talk. I then sit back down and open the cup. And think to myself, 'man this weekend went by kinda quickly, I mean besides yesterday these last few days have been kinda fun...'
Well that doesn't matter anymore. I just sit there, motionless starring into the dark abyss that has been keeping bound to this earth. That sounded kinda cool not gonna lie. But still I just stayed there, motionless pondering to oneself "what's next?" What will I do after today, what WILL we do today. I mean what will I do today after all is said and done. I look down and start to eat the yogurt not paying too much attention to my surroundings and others. Then someone sits next to me.
"Oh hey Ashido, what's up?" I ask.
"Hey I ju" I cut her off.
"Stop, I'm getting really annoyed with everyone bring up Todoroki. Can you please just stop?" I say frustrated.
"No I didn't wanna talk about that..." She responds.
"Sorry, I've just been asked that way too many times today, and I don't think it'll stop any time soon." I tell her.
"Don't worry, I knew you've been asked that a lot. I just wanted to know if you wanted to go to the mall or something before we do a karaoke or game night in a few hours." She tells me.
"Ehh I don't know, we have a few hours or so before we do the event. What could we do in such little time?" I ask.
"Let's just go on a walk, and like talk. I don't see how that'd make the karaoke feel bland or whateves." She tells me while I just nod in agreement.
"Ok it's settled, we will leave for a walk in 20, I'll let the others know. Get ready." She tells me while she scurries off. In the meantime I finish my second yogurt cup and throw it away. I then walk to my room and put on my Baseball long sleeve, a shirt on top and a then a crew neck sweater. I then grab some gray joggers and put those on and sit down by the steps outside and wait for the others. I check my phone and it's just about the time we settled to go on a walk. Right as I wonder where the others are the door opens... it's Todoroki.
"Sorry, I'll be out of your way." I say sarcastically while getting up and started to go on the walk earlier than the others. I'll just wait and have them meet up with me. I walk to a near by bench and message Ashido where I'm at and not why I decided to leave early.

Authors note:
Shorter chapters for now at least. Working 2 jobs aren't not it, no real days off. It's either I'm at one of the jobs or both of them, very little me time. 6-2:30 then 4-11 and all over again. But hey money, I hope you guys are mentally and physically healthy. I love y'all.

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