Ch.1: Meeting the New Stranger

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"You're kidding me, right?," I asked.
"No, I'm not kidding you," Edward laughed.
"During your six month absense, your family adopted a new 'child?'," I asked.
"Yep, another 'little' brother," Edward laughed.
I sat back in my seat in the volvo. just totally dumbfounded. A new Cullen? Why haven't I seen him, yet? Is he having the same hunger temptations as Jasper? He must be having hunger control problems.

"Why haven't I seen him?," I asked.
"Because he needs to learn hunger control," Edward said.
"But aren't we going your place?," I asked.
"Yes," Edward replied.
"Isn't he gonna attack me when he smells blood?," Bella asked.
"Hmm not sure," Edward said.
"Just so you know if he does and you guys leave for another six about you take me with you next time," I hissed.
"Should I remind you that you are grounded until Charlie ungrounds you?," Edward asked. "If you leave the country once more, I'm pretty sure he will do something even worse".
"Which is?," I asked.
"Send you off to Renee and make us break up," Edward said as he looked over at me.
"Right," I sighed.

He pulled into the Cullen driveway and I could see Alice standing on the porch. She came down the steps gracefully and walked over to the passenger side. She hugged me as soon as I got out of the car. I exaimed her outfit as she wore a torn  Nirvana shirt with a red flannel over it, ripped red pants and black boots. Her pixie haircut was all the place and the pink highlights in her hair were starting to fade away.

"Very 1995 today," I smiled.
"Should've seen yesterday then," she said with a smile.

I could hear Edward slip out of the driver's side and he appeared by my side. He looked at Alice and rolled his eyes. She started to escort us into the house and I could definitely hear a new voice coming from the living room. I followed her as we walked into the living room and there was a new male standing in the middle of the living room. How should I describe this new Cullen male?

He was maybe as tall as Edward or maybe even taller, the same hard, pale marble skin like the rest of the Cullens, he had curly jet-black hair like Emmett's, darkish orange eyes like fall leaves, and he had the most perfect posture. He wore a black leather jacket over a black turtleneck with black dress pants (which had chains hanging from the pockets), and black dress shoes. He had a strained english accent like Carlisle and a new forming american accent.

He looked over at me with same painful face that Jasper always has when I'm around. He easily smiled and glanced at Edward. I smiled and looked over at Carlisle as he walked into the room. He looked like a moviestar as usual but wore his usual attire.

"You arrived," Carlisle said with a smile.
"Who's this, Carlisle?," the man asked and it threw me off.
"This is Bella Swan. She's your brother's girlfriend," Carlisle said.
"A human girlfriend? Someone has taste," he said as he winked at Edward.
"Bella, this is Cassius Presley Cullen," Edward introduced.
"Interesting name," I commented.
"Cassius after 'a blonde god' that my parents loved and Presley was a family name," he said. "But nowadays, I just say I was named after the King of Rock so people don't ask".
"Well, I'm Bella," I said.

He held his hand out and I shook his hand. His grip was firm and hard like Edward's. I honestly have more questions for this boy and wanted to learn more about him. Also, what did he mean by "a blonde god"? Did his biological parents worship Caius? Like Caius of the Volturi?

"You have more questions, don't you?," Cassius asked.
"Maybe," I said with a smile.
"For another time, Bella," Esme said from behind me.
"You don't want to overwhelm him with questions," Carlisle said.
"Yeah - - sorry, I will ask another time," I said.
"It's alright," he said with a smile. "And I will answer them for you".
"Bella, let's go outside," Edward said.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me onto the outside balcony. I looked at him as the sunshine was bearing down on him. I looked at the view as the sky was being covered in the usual fog. I could hear the others leaving the room.

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