a little extra; the start of chapter 7 i never finished

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Marlene has always been a rather noisy person, no matter how hard she tries to keep quiet. This noise, despite her being used to it, wakes up Gwen first out of all the other girls. She pulls on her blouse and skirt with the curtains still drawn, camera hanging around her neck though held in at least one of her hands the entire time. When she does, eventually, pull back the curtains Marlene is standing by her own bed, brushing out her hair.

"Marlene?" she asks. "Why are you already up? It's only-" she checks the clock on the wall "-six thirty!" Marlene was decidedly not a morning person, and this was highly unusual behaviour for her.

"What? Oh it's just you. Isn't it a great morning, sis?"

"Well sure," it really was quite pretty; the window was open and the sun was coming up, shining off all the dew outside and creating a rather picturesque scene. A perfect photo opportunity. "But I haven't seen you willingly get up this early since Christmas."

"If you must know, I'm going to go prank James; he deserves it, after yesterday." For a second Gwen thinks her sister might actually be standing up for a Slytherin, but then she remembers the 'hostage' situation on the train. "Want to come with?" Marlene asks, and this is new - not a first, really, but still new - and Gwen is taken off guard for a moment. Marlene makes the decision for her. "Great. Come on then! And quiet. Don't wake 'em up or it'll all be ruined." Gwen rolls her eyes, but follows Marlene anyway.

Gwen makes as little noise as possible, though Marlene still holds her finger to her lips at every possible moment. When they reach the door proclaiming "First Year Boys" Marlene turns to her, mischievous smirk in place.

"We're gonna switch all their stuff around!" she says excitedly. "Just follow my lead," then she frowns at the camera. "Can't you leave that thing behind?"

Gwen shakes her head.

"Oh, alright. But keep the flash off. And no incriminating photos! We don't want to get in trouble on the first day. Mum'd never let me hear the end of it." With those final words of explanation, Marlene pushes the door open to a room full of four sleeping boys and already a sock lying in the middle of the floor. Gwen stiffles a giggle and ignores the glare sent her way as she moves over to James' trunk; the only one she really felt comfortable digging through.

The two slowly work their way around the room, randomising everything but keeping it nice and neat, anyway. Gwen is about halfway through moving Peter's stuff to the temporary pile in the middle of the floor when Marlene calls her over.

"Gwen, come look at this!" she whisper-shouts. Gwen rolls her eyes again, clicks a random photo, and makes her way over to whatever it is Marlene has gotten so excited over.

"Whose trunk is this?" she asks, first.

"Remus'. But look!" she points. In amongst the old, tattered clothing - Gwen makes a mental note to buy him better stuff as a christmas present - is a case of vials. "What're they for?"

Gwen shakes her head, looking over her shoulder at the sleeping boys nervously.

"I don't know, Marls, but maybe this wasn't the best idea. We barely know any of these guys! Other than Jam-"

"It wouldn't have worked otherwise! Besides, it doesn't matter. C'mon. Let's finish and then we can ask him later."

"Ask?" Gwen questioned, slightly horrified.

"Well yeah. It's no use just guessing."


"Oh come on! Don't tell me you're getting cold feet now. You said you'd help."

"No I didn't. You made me come. I didn't even know what we were doing!"

"I didn't make you come. But fine, go then. Leave me alone. I'll do it by myself. And I'll do it better than if you were helping me anyway."

"Ok, Marlene," she sighed.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Gwen started walking towards the door, still clicking with her camera.

"It means I'm going; like you told me to."

"I didn't! Ugh, you're so annoying!"

"The photos are calling! I can't hear you!" she called over her shoulder, almost tripping over in her haste to get down the stairs and away from whatever had just happened. Gwen wasn't typically a very confrontational person, and when she got in fights they always rattled her. However, she knew one thing which always calmed her; taking photos. And right now she had an entire castle and grounds to photograph, as well as forbidden areas to map out so she could also photograph them in future.

Gwen had some work to do.

She is still holding Peter's jersey but she doesn't want to take it back yet so she takes it with her...
Idk I guess year one plus some photos she takes of certain moments with Marlene and friends (George Thomas;7, Thomas McKinnon, Lucius and Narcissa; 6)... then Christmas and maybe more cat plus the whole fam... then summer and idk

Slight marls getting annoyed at photo taking

The first annual (more like weekly) potter vs mckinnon prank war

Marls sneaks up and mixes up everything in the boys trunks... leading to her finding remus' pain potions and telling gwen but no one else, though also confronting remmy about it

He panicks and never really gives her an answer, but then she gets distracted by flying class number 1 and the subject is left alone


Published on: 5/3/20
Words: 930
Love y'all


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