2. Baby Steps

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That camera became Gwens' staple item. She was never seen without it. Her father had enchanted it to have unlimited Polaroids and unlimited charge. It was a simple muggle camera, but to Gwen, it was much, much more than that.


On the twins first birthday, August 1st 1961, there is general excitement throughout the room. For the moment, however, Marlene and Gwen are asleep, curled up cutely beside each other in the red and gold room.

"Michael," began their mother, Melissa.

"Yes dear, what is it?" Replied Michael.

"We can't possibly be thinking of letting her keep that darned camera still, are we? She's had it for a year, don't you think it's time we throw it away, get her something more sensible, like the cute zebra Marlene has?"

"We are getting her something new, for her birthday!"

"Yes, but can't we get rid of that camera in the meantime?"

"Well," began Michael. "We'll just have to wait and see."

And wait they did, but even when Marlene and Gwen were awake, and lying in their mothers' arms, Gwen was still holding her camera.

Even when they were given their new gifts, a dark blue blanket, a red and gold blanket, and numerous toys, Gwen was still to be seen having only eyes for her camera.

Even when they were tucked in, at the end of a very exciting day, Gwens' only thoughts were for her camera.

"See Melissa, she adores that camera, even if I do admit it may be a bit too old for her. It's hers, so please just give it a rest-"

"But-" began Melissa.

"At least until their next birthday," finished Michael.

"Oh, all right then," replied Melissa.


When Marlene and Gwens' second birthday rolled around, it was more of the same story.

"We need to get rid of that darned camera, Michael. It's much to grown up for her!" Began Melissa.

"What did I say last year, honey?"

"To wait and see," replied Melissa, resigned to the fact that she probably was going to wait- and see.

Sure enough, by the time the twins were brought out to enjoy the festivities, Gwen had only eyes for her camera.

She was taking photos more regularly now, and had begun a box- a box for her photos. Whenever she took a photo, her mother or father would pick it up and write on the back of it; the date, and anything else of importance. It was Gwens' intention that the second she would be able to write, she would be the one putting the dates on them.


When Christmas of 1962 came along, the entire McKinnon household had decided that they were going to be spending Christmas Day with family.

When they arrived, Gwen immediately took a photo of the Christmasisised Potter Mansion. It was a beautiful place normally, but today it was extra special. There were wreaths of holly and garlands strung everywhere, as well as many, many twinkling fairy lights.

Once the family arrived inside they were directed into the family room. This was even better than the outside! A giant Christmas tree sat in the middle of the room, as well as empty stockings hung above the hearth- they had already been emptied. There was also mistletoe hung up by the corners of the room, as well as a long table laden with delicious food, made by Mr. and Mrs. Potter themselves.

As soon as the twins saw their cousin, James, they crawled over to where he was sitting, by the corner. All of a sudden, Gwen started giggling. At the looks of confusion from her cousin and twin, she reached up her little arm and pointed to where a patch of magical mistletoe was growing above Marlene and James' heads.

Marlene and James stared at each other in horror, before she bravely leant over, and kissed him on the cheek. Marlene then immediately turned away, and tried to wipe her mouth on her sleeve.

Gwen, ever the passionate photographer, had snapped a photo of this, and was now giggling away, harder than ever.

"You're quite sure it's safe, Mel, to have a baby around a camera? Shouldn't she have a sensible toy, like the stuffed bear James has?" Asked Euphemia Potter, Melissa's sister.

"Glad to see you're on my side, according to Michael it's perfectly fine to give a baby a muggle contraption. It's much too old for her! But he's adamant that it is fine," replied Melissa.

"That's because it is!" Spoke Michael. "It hasn't done her any harm, has it?"

"Well, no. But it is bound to at some point."

"I'm afraid to say I must agree with the girls on this one, Michael, said Fleamont. "It doesn't seem a suitable gift to give a child."

"Well, let's just wait and see."


Published on: 18/8/18

Thank you for reading! If you have any suggestions/have noticed some typos or something, then feel free to comment your advice! I'll be sure to make adjustments if that will work better.

I just would like to thank;

jkyra3 and
TOMISANOBSCURIAL for both of your amazing comments!

Thank you for reading!


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