1. A beginning

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They were only expecting one. There had been one room planned out, one cot bought, one set of clothes bought, one toy bought, and one name chosen.

The room planned was a light red, with gold coloured curtains.

The cot was a simple white, with bars and a mattress.

The clothes were plain girls' clothes.

The toy was a stuffed yellow and purple striped zebra.

The name was Marlene Grace McKinnon.

Everything was set out, the four brothers ready for one new addition, the house prepared for a single baby girl.

When she was born, a collective sigh of relief and happiness was heard around the tiny room, inside St. Mungos. The zebra was given, and Marlene was swaddled up in her new blanket. Photos were taken, and everyone was content. A beautiful baby girl, with tufts of dark hair, bright blue eyes, and a cute button nose. Marlene was taken to have her vitals checked, to make sure it was all in working order. Everything was perfect.

Then she came along.

As you know, they were only expecting one. It was all 100% prepared for one. But, now there were two. As the second girl entered the world for the first time, everyone in the room turned to stare. There was only supposed to be one! And then, they reacted. The mother, Melissa, and father, Michael, scooped her up, into their arms. Another baby with dark hair, bright blue eyes, and a cute button nose!

The second child was taken away, to get checked over as well. As soon as the door swept closed behind the nurse, the parents turned to stare at each other, confusion evident on both faces.
"We have twins!" Michael exclaimed, speaking for the first time.
"Yeah, we do," Melissa replied, slightly dazed. And then, she started to panic. "What do we call her? Her? It is a her right? Why did we not know about this? Twins! We've never- No twins!"
"Melissa, honey, we'll figure this out," said Michael, nervously.
"Gwen. Her name is going to be Gwen. Gwen Petra McKinnon."
"Okay," Michael replied. "Gwen it is."


When the babies were declared healthy, Michael, Mellisa, and the four boys trekked down the white hospital corridor, eager to see Marlene and Gwen.

Once they arrived in the simple white room, there was excitement all around.
"They're so cute!" Exclaimed Charles, the oldest McKinnon brother.
"Yeah, they are," replied Thomas, the second oldest.
"Which one's Marlene?"
"Which one's Gwen?" Chorused Dayton and Peter, the youngest and second youngest of the brothers.
"Well," began Melissa. "Marlene is the one on the left, and Gwen on the right."
"Okay," said Peter, amazed that his mother could tell them apart. He sure couldn't!
"What are we supposed to give Gwen?" Asked Thomas. "Another zebra?"
"No," said their father. "Gwen can have my camera."
"That's a bit of a crap present for a baby. What's she going to do with a camera?" Asked Charles.
"Language!" Exclaimed their mother. She then turned to her husband. "Charles is right, Michael, a camera surely isn't the best thing for a baby to have!"
"It'll be fine, dear. See?" He explained, setting the camera down by Gwen's tiny foot. Everybody looked at Gwen, lying in the tiny cot, with a huge camera down by her toes. "Ah- well maybe it wa-" Michael was cut off, mid sentence, by the click of the camera. They all looked on in amazement as a brand new Polaroid photo made its way out of the camera.

Michael bent over the cot, and retrieved the Polaroid from the camera. He waved it around, and then saw, to general astonishment, that it was a perfect little photo of him, mid speak, Melissa, bending over worriedly, Charles and Dayton looking down in confusion, and Thomas and Peter looking over to where Marlene lay.

This was only the beginning.


Published on:17/8/18

Hi! Thank you for reading this far, and I hope you enjoyed! As of now, this is my first actual book on Wattpad, so I hope it isn't too terrible!

Thank you,


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