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this is my first request ever! it's from @Isatootoo000 and I'm very excited!
description, here goes:

this can't be happening, it has to be a cruel joke by the heavens. he's fought so long for them to send him back, but now that they did, he almost wishes he was still dead. how on earth are he and lan zhan supposed to reconnect, when he's like this?


wei ying finally gets reincarnated after gambling for five thousand years and suddenly has to deal with very unfamiliar body parts.

the universe really has lost its humor, didn't it? it used to be hilarious with all the family deaths and the irreversible decision it forced wei ying to make, between his own siblings and the innocent wen clan, but now, it somehow got its jokes mixed up. wei ying looks himself up and down in the shops window and carefully lifts one finger, to examine the new grown boob that he has found himself with. wow. it took him five thousand years of whining and persuading and threatening the heavens to send him back, to allow him to make right how he wronged his love, the night when he sneaked out and only his corpse got returned. and now this! they put him in a woman's body, in something that seems like a parallel world. the people around him stare at their tiny devices -phones, he can surprisingly name them, as if their whole lives are displayed on them. what in the heavens is going on?? 

wei ying looks a little closer into the reflecting glass. he's pretty, that's for sure, long, shining black hair, tied up in a ponytail and decorated with little bunny shaped bobby pins. he congratulates the girl whose body he apparently took over, for her taste. when he finishes the thought, he halts. what does taking over even mean, in this context? did she sacrifice herself, like mo xuanyu did, so that he'd revenge her? he quickly checks his body, but there's no deadly wound that has to heal through his actions. weird. 

just as wei ying's about to turn to explore the street he's apparently teleported into, he hears a high voice screaming out to him: "wei wuxian, wei wuxian! wait a second!" he turns his head and sees a familiar figure run up to him: "nie huaisang??" the smaller nods and wei ying enviously stares at him. the heavens got his appearance one hundred percent right! that's just unfair! "what on earth happened?" he asks, because it someone knows what's going on, it's huaisang. "hehe, yeah about that... i told you before not to mess with the supervisors! i mean, congrats, you annoyed them enough to make them release you from that weird nirvana level we were stuck in, but you also pissed them off so much, that they decided to play a little prank on you, as a goodbye present." wel ying stares at him in disbelief: " really? the leavers are that petty?" huaisang just shrugs. "at least they didn't ask some random people to die for us again." he tries to better his friends mood. the words make wei ying perk up: "how did they do it then?" huaisang sighs: "i think they planned it for a while, twenty years, to be exact. they specifically created these people, some more accurate , some less and now fate has decided to let them accidentally pass. we're not supposed to know each other in this world. i'm a poor worker on a farm three hours from here, and you're a college student in one of the really prestigious universities here in the city. i've been put into this world about six months ago, the heavens telling me, that 'if i payed close attention, i'd notice your arrival.' yeah, they were right, you were motherfucking bright, my god." wei ying shakes his head, he doesn't remember any of that. they walk down the street and halt at a food stand, that sells small buns with meat and cabbage in it. huaisang pays for two of them with foreign looking money and turns back to him, to continue his explanation: "i think, they sent me back too, so i could be of help to you in this world." 

"of help for what, huaisang?" wei ying asks after taking a bite out of his bun construct - a burger, huaisang tells him. "don't you get it? why would they send you back now, out of all times. if you're back, there's no way, you're alone. from what i've heard from other sides of the after life, someone else has been pressuring the heavens to get sent back, for the past millenia." he pauses to look at wei ying sternly. 'someone else'. of course wei ying knows who his companion is talking about. it makes him feel warm and giddy inside. he's impressed at how strong his feelings still are, after five thousand years. "so, you're telling me, they want me to find... lan zhan" the name passes his lips, with a breathy huff. it sounds like music to his ears. 

warm - one shots (lan zhan x wei ying)Where stories live. Discover now