hold on to me

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lan zhan thinks wei ying is sick of dealing with his silent complaints. the bubbly boy would rather hang out with people that share a similar energy to his own, right? people, that are so different from lan zhan.


lan zhan is overthinking

wei ying and lan zhan met at a seminar for string instruments. lan zhan had started to consider picking up the viola again, after five years, so his brother got him into this seminar weekend, to refresh his knowledge. wangji had quietly reminded him, that he still knew, how to play, but xichen had just smiled knowingly and made him apply anyways. when lan zhan arrived at the center, his stomach turned at the amount of people. he really wanted to leave again, the thought of having to maintain a casual conversation with someone laying heavy in his chest. 

the first hour went by without any problems, since the organizers introduced themselves and talked for the entire time. after that, there was a refreshment break and lan zhan really had to use the bathroom. of course, that couldn't go smoothly. when he returned to his seat, there was a boy, a bit younger than him sitting on it. lan zhan abruptly halted in his step, still a good ten meters away. shit, what was he supposed to do now. of course, he should just approach the guy, the seats were assigned by names after all. yeah, that's what he should do, but even the thought of talking to this boy, who was confidently leaning back and seemingly taking a nap, caused his anxiety to rise up heights, it would take hours to go back down from. 

lan zhan slowly moved a bit closer, until he reached the row. he carefully tapped the boys shoulder, because he wouldn't hear him say anything, since he had his earphones plugged in. the guy's eyes shot open and he glared at  lan zhan. he reluctantly removed his earphones from his ears and looked at lan zhan expectantly. lan zhan kept his perfectly unbothered face, but his heart was racing. he couldn't bring himself to say anything, so the boy scoffed: "can i help you with something, man?" lan zhan cleared his throat and bit back the urge to wipe his sweaty palms on his perfectly ironed dress pants. the guy leaned in a bit and made a confused face. "c'mon, dude. i can't read minds, you know?" lan zhan was almost ready to run away and watch the rest of the seminar standing, when all of a sudden, a flash of black and red color appeared  next to the annoyed boy. the blur of color turned out to be another boy, who had rushed into the row from the other side. he was panting faintly and addressed the seated guy. 

"jiang cheng, i'm here now, sorry for being late. now," he quickly scanned the frozen lan zhan next to him, "i believe your sitting on the wrong seat, bro." he chuckled, a melodic sound to lan zhan's red ears. "you can be so stupid, sometimes. it clearly says lan on there, can't you read." he looked at lan zhan, again, and his face lit up. "it's probably your seat, right? and you were probably just trying to tell my dumb brother that, am i right?" he beamed at lan zhan, who could only nod. "so sorry, hope he wasn't too much of a bother. jiang cheng!" he turned back to his brother, "move your butt!" he pointed to the chair next to lan zhan's. a big jiang was placed on it. with a low grunt, the younger resettled on the other seat. lan  zhan for the first time had the chance to properly look at the boy, who had just saved him. 

he was insanely pretty. like, the kind of pretty that's natural and that just leaves you in awe by how much he's glowing. the boy wore a huge grin on his face and bowed slightly towards lan zhan, before curiously leaning closer as if he was inspecting him. lan zhan felt his breath flattening, but it wasn't the kind that cut off his air supply, like usually, if someone would come this close and just stare at him. which, surprisingly didn't happen all that rarely. people seemed to get weirdly curious about him, just because he looked so closed off all the time.

it was different, as if the air around the two of them slowed down for a second, to look at them. the next second, the boy had left lan zhan's personal space again and his breathing continued, only four times faster than before. "i'm wei wuxian, by the way. and the one you already met is my dumb ass  little brother, jiang cheng. what's your name?" lan zhan was terrified. having to talk in front of anyone, usually gave him a mild panic attack already. speaking in front of a pretty boy, with a pretty name, was going to make him pass out, for sure. somehow, he managed to keep his stern expression, even now, while wei ying was looking at him with those gleaming eyes, and forced out a: "lan wangji." 

warm - one shots (lan zhan x wei ying)Where stories live. Discover now