If you want I'll be your light, Till you find the one within you

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this is the continuation of 'hold on to me'!

if you want, you can listen to the song i linked above - liberated by nive - while reading this part. it's also, where the title is from.


days lan zhan just wants to curl up and hide and wei ying knows, are the quiet boy's favorite


wei ying being a superior boyfriend :) (a very fluffy one shot, because i felt like it.)

today is a shit day. it started off pretty great, honestly. xichen and guangyao had invited lan zhan and wei ying to a 'big gay brunch', as guangyao called it, to finally all get to know each other, and lan zhan was more than happy, to accept the invitation. it soon turned out, that the café wasn't the best pick, the older could have made. the owner, who also has served them as the waiter, hasn't exactly been too fond of two cut sleeve couples 'invading his business'. whilst xichen had politely tried to deescalate the situation and his fiance assisted him with his convincing dimpled smile, wei ying wasn't one to just take an insult like that without a fight.

he was quick to stand up for himself and his boyfriend, claiming, that the 'old, fat fart could only dream of tapping as fine ass as he can, every night.' if he hadn't been panicking as much, as he was, lan zhan would've let out one of his rare chuckles, that had ever only been wei ying related. 

because this has been in a very public space, though, with a lot of people very much staring at them, he could only swallow the sour feeling in his throat and grab wei ying's wrist, silently begging him to just let it go. the younger understood instantly and softly rubbed his back, guiding him outside of the café, while glaring at the owner. he profusely apologized to lan zhan, even though the boy just wanted to kiss his love, for being so brave and witty, which made him look so madly adorable. they soon had parted ways with the other couple and went to work. 

wei ying, being a composer for the orchestra lan zhan was currently active in, wasn't always able to go along to practice and today was sadly one of the days, when he had to attend a special meeting for arranging the next concert's set list. lan zhan had an uneasy feeling since the encounter that morning, which didn't ease up at work. the conductor was especially impatient today and loved picking on already trouble minded kid's mistakes, lan zhan being his favorite victim for some reason. he had been pretty unpopular since the first month he played there, because people usually prefer those who talk and search for human interaction, something lan zhan avoided like the measles. 

after a bunch of the conductors commentaries and the agreeing laughs of basically everyone else, lan zhan's anxiety had raised through the roof. adding up to his stress level, his order at the record store, where he had bought wei ying's favorite single at the time, still didn't arrive. he had promised the younger a surprise tonight, which he now couldn't follow through with. strolling through the streets, he felt like avoiding to go home, because he hated disappointing his lover. a double disappointment today was more than he could deal with, but the thought of missing out on wei ying's warm, open arms, embracing him and his soft lips carefully brushing over lan zhan's temple, like he usually did to calm the older's nerves, drove him close to his neighborhood again. he knew, that wei ying would start worrying, too, so he decided to go back home. 

wei ying is awaiting him with open arms, as expected. he snuggles up to lan zhan as soon, as the older walks in the door. lan zhan lets his forehead rest on his boyfriend's, breathing in his calming, tangy scent. he feels his heartbeat slow down visibly and thanks the gods, that he decided to come home. "hey, babe. how was the rest of your day?" 

lan zhan doesn't reply. instead, he buries his nose in the smaller's neck, closing his eyes. he can feel wei ying's heartily laugh vibrating through the both of them. wei ying slowly threads his fingers through his hair and speaks up lowly: "want us to distract you? we could go out and dance the night away, forgetting everything other than each other." lan zhan quickly shakes his head, as best as he can against wei ying's neck. wei ying is vibrating again. he carefully leads lan zhan through his flat, into the living room, sitting them down on the couch. 

lan zhan clings to his waist like a koala and he bets, it's kind of annoying, but wei ying really doesn't seem to mind it. he just keeps braiding little strands of hair together and releasing them without fixating. lan zhan always looks ridiculous after those hugs, but seeing wei ying laugh wholeheartedly and telling him, how cute he is, is definitely worth the scarecrow look. "do you want to tell me, what's going on?" wei ying softly mumbles. lan zhan lets out a sigh and turns his head, so that he can, in a very cramped way, look wei ying in the eye. the younger softly turns them, so that lan zhan is lying down on his back and wei ying can be like a warming blanket on top, this being much more comfortable for both of them. " i just had a pretty unnerving day, 's all." lan zhan answers truthfully, "how about you, my love?" 

wei ying is blushing, but a beaming smile makes its way onto his face. he hugs lan zhan's neck and hides his face there. "i met up with my sister after work. she told me, that she's expecting a baby with the peacock. can you imagine?" lan zhan hums in disagreement, because he knows his love is disapproving of the news, as well. he's happy for yanli, though, and he's sure that wei ying feels the same way. "by the way," wei ying props himself up on his elbow, careful, to not hurt lan zhan's chest. "i did some research. remember how i told you about that old classmate of mine who really praised the therapist, he used to go to?" lan zhan's heart tightens a bit, but that's okay, because he'll probably never get used to someone knowing about what's going on in his head and being so actively supporting. he doesn't mind it anymore. it's just still an unfamiliar feeling. 

he nods, urging the smaller to go on. wei ying's eyes soften a lot, when he looks up at lan zhan. the purple in them glows with comfort and love. sometimes lan zhan has to look away, to comprehend, that those are really directed towards him, but today he doesn't avert his eyes. "i found her and called. she said, she'd be happy to talk to you, and that it was good timing on my hand, because one of her clients just moved away and you can have his appointments. isn't that great news?"

it is. it's fantastic, even. wei ying and him have been trying for almost two years now, to get him into proper therapy. the first time it was a shit therapist, that wasn't at all compatible and the second time lan zhan was stuck on the waiting list for six months, until they told him he'd have to apply again, because his application had expired. lan zhan was truly amazed by wei ying's stamina in this search. he had never once gotten tired or thought about giving up, constantly calling different offices, even when lan zhan felt too exhausted to continue. he also hugged and kissed and held the older through all rough patches and stress filled weeks. lan zhan always tries to return the favor, but still feels bad about being the one with the huge struggles in their relationships. he's also glad though, because he'd never want for wei ying to feel as shit as he did, so often. 

the younger also relentlessly tries to be there for him and constantly tells lan zhan, that he loves taking care of him in every way. lan zhan truly can't have a better boyfriend. those kind personality traits are just adding up to the amount of love, his fragile heart is conceiving for wei ying. he hugs the younger close to his chest, as a reply, to wei ying's story. he's so thankful to his lover, all of the time, that he can just hope his tight embrace can express his gratitude enough. he has a feeling, that wei ying gets it, though, through the way the smaller chuckles into his chest, along with a chaste kiss on his collarbone.


hope you liked part two, uwu

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