chapter 5

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Captain levi stood over you four like a hawk.
"Where have you four been?" His voice boomed, causing you all to shake a bit.
"We um...well..." sasha stuttered.
"We went out for a walk. But it was all my idea! Don't blame any of them." You say, defending the others.
"Very well. Y/n I would like to see you in my office at 7:30pm tonight. The rest of you have stable duty for 2 weeks, since you still sneaked out during work hours. Go eat your food." Levi orders and you all sharply nod, scurrying to your table.

"TWO WEEKS?!" Connie whisper-shouts.
"I know right! That's so out of line. But I wonder what punishment y/n gets...I highly doubt he'll go easy on you. But why did you take the blame?" Eren asks, looking at you.

"Well it was either one of us, or all of us. And I wasn't gonna let you take the blame because I know he is more harsh on you than me." You smile, reassuring Eren that you didnt mind taking the blame, even though you'll get in alot of trouble since it was prohibited to sneak out during work hours.

Levi shifted his gaze from his plate to your table, seeing you all slightly huddled together. Only hearing muffled voices. You glance over at him and see levi is looking over, and you immediately look away.
"Welp we've all finished, and It looks like everyone else has. Wanna go back to our dorms before u meet up with Ackerman?" Sasha asks you three. You tilt your head up.
"Sure, I'm probably gonna have to prepare myself to be honest. Levi is always so harsh with punishments." You groan.

At your dorms

"Well I guess I'll see you in the morning, I probably won't leave Levi's office till late." You mumble. Connie and Sasha were already in the dorms so they could have a shower so it left you and Eren to talk for a bit. However Eren felt quite guilty because it was his idea to go outside, but you took the blame for him.
"Look why don't we just go to Levi's office and tell him I suggested to go outside therefore-"
"No Eren, honestly, it's okay. I'd rather get in trouble than you." You interrupt Eren as he worries for you. You flick a stand of hair away from his face and hug him. A warm sensation snakes across your shoulder as eren caresses it, helping him calm down. He lets out a steady sigh and dig his head in the crook of your neck, creating a vibration in your neck as he speaks.
"But who knows what your punishment will be. What if you get kicked out or something?" You hear him whimper into your neck, causing you to giggle a bit.

"I doubt I'll get kicked out. I'm sure Levi will understand." Reaching for his hand, you pull away from the hug and hold both his hands by your chest.
"I promise, I'm not going anywhere." He smiles at your words and gesture, pulling you in for one more hug.
'God damn. Why do I love this girl so much...' Eren pleaded in his mind. He looks down at you as you rest your head on his shoulder. 'You're just...perfect.' It was like you was some sort of goddess towards Eren. He saw you perfect in every way, but had never confessed it because he knew you guys were just friends...

"Well I assume Sasha is out the shower now." You grin, pulling away from the hug. "I need to clean myself up at least a little bit before I go to Levi's office."
"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow y/n." Eren softly smiles at you.
"Night babydick." You giggle as he looks back at you with a fake shocked expression on his face.

"Goodnight doll face~" he smirks, walking through his dorm door and closing it. You blush at the thought of his tender words, walking into your dorm. You look over at the beds and see Sasha passed out onto the bed, already asleep. You look at the clock and realize how early it was.
"Hm, only 7..." you still had 30 minutes, so you took a quick shower and freshened yourself up. You decided to change into a black pleated skirt, with a pearly white shirt and some flats. You wanted to at least look formal instead of walking in with a tank top and jeans. You lathered your favorite perfume over your body and let your hair down.
"Right." You quietly say to yourself. You double check to see if Sasha is still asleep, and gently close the door.

You walk down the hallway towards Levi's office, keeping to yourself as you get a few people gawping at you. But even you have to admit, even though the outfit was simple, it was a good looking outfit. The skirt came just below the middle of your thighs though, making you shiver a bit as these hallways weren't exactly warm. You make it to Levi's door and tense up a bit. You raise your hand to knock before the door swings open, with Levi bumping into you. He looks at you. Then looks down. Admires your body for a second. Then looks back up.
"I um...was just coming to get you." He stuttered. "Come in."
You nod and follow Levi in, closing the door behind you.

Authors note:
Btw take this as a little warning for the next chapter bc it about to get spicy. I cannot WAITTTT  to release the next few chapters but I can release them all at once bc I wanna create some suspense....and also torture yall in the process of waiting for the next chapter bc I'm so nice 🥰✨
I haven't read through any of these chapters for spelling mistakes etc- (bc I'm lazy yk) so don't mind me if you see any spelling mistakes ❤️

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